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2024 Jilin Selection Examination Interview Skills: How to accurately grasp the interpersonal questions

2024-06-21 15:47:49 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

In the interview process of the candidates' examination, the examination of interpersonal questions is often involved. This type of question has obvious characteristics and focuses on solving problems in interpersonal communication. However, when many examinees see such questions, they often lack problem awareness and cannot grasp the key core of the problem, which eventually leads to language redundancy and problem solving failure. Therefore, the next section will focus on the problematics of interpersonal questions to help you accurately find the problems in interpersonal questions.

[Example 1]

You are a newcomer to the company. You are enthusiastic about your work and have great ideas about your work. When participating in the discussion of the working group, your opinions are always rejected, but the results show that your opinions are very useful. The leader always arranges you to do some unimportant things, for which you feel very distressed. What should you do about it?

[How to grasp the problem]

There is a lot of information about this question, but the question is very clear.

Question 1: The opinions were not adopted, but proved to be very useful. It should be emphasized that as a newcomer, it is good for us to have ideas, but if they are not adopted, the problems may still come from ourselves. It turns out to be useful, but we think it is useful. Therefore, after a brief analysis, question 1: The suggestions were not adopted, but they thought they were very useful.

Question 2: Leaders arrange unimportant matters. It can be obtained through direct examination.

If the question is clear, the direction of the answer will be clear. It is necessary to solve the problem in combination with the stem information.

[Method summary] In case of obvious problems in such questions, the first step is to find the problems directly through examination; The second step is to make the problem more accurate through simple analysis, so as to facilitate further problem solving in the future; The third step is to solve the problems in an orderly manner.

[Example 2]

Colleague Lao Chen shares a phone with you to receive outside inquiries from the masses. Lao Chen always unplugs the phone line during lunch break, but forgets to connect it when he goes to work in the afternoon. When people call and complain that the phone is not connected until several times, Lao Chen does not care, and you are a little upset. What will you do about it?

[How to grasp the problem]

The problems in Example 2 are also very clear. They are: Mr. Chen unplugs, the masses complain, Mr. Chen doesn't care, and you are a little upset. These are indeed problems, but they are just a list of problems, without grasping the key core of the problem.

The complaints of the masses are caused by Mr. Chen's unplugging, and Mr. Chen's attitude is that he doesn't care about the unplugging behavior, so it is obvious that the core of the problem is Mr. Chen's unplugging. However, Mr. Chen's behavior of unplugging is not advisable, which violates the rules and regulations, and also brings inconvenience to the masses. Therefore, the way to solve the problem is to communicate with Chen.

As for your uneasiness, it is because you clearly understand the wrong behavior of unplugging, but also consider the identity of Old Chen, so you are in a state of uneasiness, which once again reflects the core problem is Old Chen unplugging. However, another problem also surfaced, that is, the "you" in the question stem is not very principled. In the face of violations, they are just uneasy but have not solved it.

Therefore, problem 1 of this problem: Mr. Chen unplugs the cable, which is the core problem, and focuses on solving it. Problem 2: "You" is not very principled, which is less important than unplugging, and will be solved later.

[Method summary] For questions with many such questions and logical relationship between them. The first step is to identify the problem directly through examination; The second step is to find the logical relationship between the problems through analysis, and then determine the core problems; The third step is to solve the problem in order according to the priority.

Through two examples, we help you summarize two types of methods to accurately grasp problems. At the same time, problems can also be solved from these two categories. The first category: multiple problems are parallel relations and solved one by one. The second category: a series of problems caused by the core problems, which need to be solved around the core problems. I hope you can master the method of answering such questions through continuous simulation exercises.


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(Editor in charge: Part 1)

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