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May 28, 2024 Summary of Domestic Current Political Hotspots | Social Current Affairs | Today's Current Affairs: Common Sense of Auxiliary Police Recruitment

2024-05-28 09:33:35 | Source: People's Daily
Where can I find the current political content in May 2024? What happened domestically/internationally? Current affairs and politics questions are common questions in public examinations. The accumulation of current affairs and politics knowledge is not overnight, and candidates need to develop the habit of paying attention to current affairs. I hope it can help you with your exams.

 Daily current politics materials: accumulation of current politics knowledge in the public examination on March 19, 2024

Focus News

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on May 27 to review the "Several Policies and Measures to Promote the Accelerated Rise of the Central Region in the New Era" and the "Provisions on Accountability for Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks (Trial)". Chair the meeting.

At invitation, King Hamad of Bahrain, President Abdel Fattah al Sisi of Egypt, President Said of Tunisia and President Mohammed of the United Arab Emirates will pay state visits to China from May 28 to June 1 and attend the opening ceremony of the tenth ministerial meeting of the China Arab Cooperation Forum.

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee publicized to the whole society the advanced deeds of "Yang Gensi Company" of a synthetic brigade of the Army, and awarded them the title of "model of the times". Detailed information

From January to April, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide was 2094.69 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year.

In April, 9755 cases of mental problems in violation of the eight central regulations were investigated and dealt with nationwide.

In the past five years, a total of 1482 policemen have died and 25000 have been injured in public security organs across the country.

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the crew of Shenzhou 18 astronauts will carry out their first extravehicular activities at the right time in the near future.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China will continue to take all necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and no country, organization or individual should expect to cross the border on the Taiwan issue without paying the price.

The 77th World Health Assembly made a decision on the 27th to refuse to include in the agenda of the Assembly the proposal put forward by individual countries to "invite Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer".


The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow rainstorm warning. Today, there were heavy rains in Guangdong, Guangxi, Tibet and other regions.

According to the Ministry of Public Security, since July 2023, the special work to combat crimes involving China in northern Myanmar has achieved significant results, and 49000 suspects of telecommunications fraud in northern Myanmar have been handed over to us.

The National Health Commission and other departments issued a notice to focus on punishing medical institutions for "relying on doctors for medical treatment" and accepting kickbacks.

The network information department has guided the website platform to continuously strengthen monitoring and disposal. Since this year, 10859 illegal and illegal accounts have been disposed.

The World Table Tennis Major League (WTT) Regular Challenge ended in Taiyuan on the evening of the 26th, and the Chinese table tennis team won all five championships.

At present, the giant panda "Fubao" is in a stable, normal and good condition to adapt to life, and will meet the public in June.

On the 27th, the 175000m3 LNG (liquefied natural gas) carrier developed and built by Dalian Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a Chinese ship, was launched.

On the 27th, the 20-year ultra long term special treasury bonds were sold to individuals.

Recently, a dinosaur footprint fossil group 120 million years ago was discovered in Lufeng, Yunnan.


The State Intellectual Property Office will work with multiple departments to formulate a plan, and by 2025, the examination cycle of invention patents will be reduced to 15 months.

Shanghai issued a document to adjust the number of years for non Shanghai residents to pay social insurance or individual income tax when purchasing a house from "continuous payment of 5 years and above" to "continuous payment of 3 years and above".

Shanxi has introduced a series of measures to support the development of low altitude economy, and clearly subsidized short distance transportation, low altitude tourism and other general aviation businesses.

Today's weather

Some areas in eastern Zhejiang, central and southern Guangdong, western and southern Guangxi, northeastern Hainan Island, eastern and northwestern Yunnan, southwestern Guizhou, western Sichuan Basin, southeastern Tibet and western Taiwan Island have heavy rain

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