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2024 Jilin Selection Examination Interview Hotspot: Green Development of Manufacturing Industry

2024-05-21 17:37:54 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education Sun Yining
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Seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the People's Bank of China, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the General Administration of Market Supervision, jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry, proposing that by 2030, China's manufacturing industry will have achieved remarkable green and low-carbon transformation results, The overall level of green development of traditional industries has jumped, the industrial structure and layout have been significantly optimized, the proportion of green and low-carbon energy utilization has increased significantly, the level of comprehensive utilization of resources has steadily improved, the intensity of pollutants and carbon emissions has significantly decreased, the total carbon emissions have reached a peak, the role of green growth engines of emerging industries has become more prominent, and the scale and quality have further improved, The proportion of green and low-carbon industries has significantly increased, new forms of green integration are emerging, the basic capacity of green development has been significantly improved, and the competitiveness of green and low-carbon industries has been further enhanced. Green development has become a solid foundation for promoting new industrialization. By 2035, the endogenous power of green development of manufacturing industry will be significantly enhanced, the carbon emissions will decline steadily after reaching the peak, and the carbon neutrality ability will be steadily improved. The green low-carbon competitive advantage in the global industrial chain supply chain will be highlighted, and green development will become a common form of new industrialization.

  [Simulated test questions]  

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry, proposing to promote the deep integration of green consumption demand and green product supply. Please talk about your suggestions on how to promote green consumption.

[Zhonggong Resolution]

1. Summarize and evaluate relevant topics.

In recent years, the concept of green consumption is gradually popularized in the whole society. As a profound change in the field of consumption, it is related to the green low-carbon transformation of the entire production and lifestyle. The whole society should actively strive to make the green consumption mode a conscious choice of the public.

2. Clarify the positive meaning of the topic.

(1) Reflect the new development concept of green development. Green consumption is not only the requirement of implementing the new development concept and building a new development pattern, but also a powerful measure to comprehensively implement the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Consumption has a reaction to production. Green consumption promotes enterprises' green innovative research and development and green technology application, and accelerates the formation of green production mode.

(2) We will strengthen the sense of thrift among the people and oppose extravagance, waste and excessive consumption. Promoting green consumption helps to form a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption mode.

3. Make suggestions based on the actual situation.

(1) Guide demand and promote green transformation of consumption in key areas. In terms of food consumption, we will carry out "compact disc" and other food saving actions in depth. We will promote the recycling and recycling of kitchen waste. In terms of residential consumption, energy conservation and environmental protection requirements will be incorporated into the renovation of old residential areas to promote clean heating in rural areas. In terms of daily life consumption, encourage and guide consumers to replace green energy-saving household appliances, environmental friendly furniture and other household products.

(2) Technical support, strengthen green consumption technology and service support. Guide enterprises to improve the level of green innovation, actively develop and introduce advanced and applicable green low-carbon technologies, and vigorously promote green design and green manufacturing. Encourage enterprises to use integrated packaging of goods and logistics, and control excessive packaging.

(3) System guarantee, establish and improve the green consumption system guarantee system. Further improve the standards, certification and identification system of green and low-carbon products and services. Constantly optimize and upgrade the standards of green factories, green products, green industrial parks and green supply chains.

(4) Market incentives, explore green consumption incentives. Local green consumption credit system can be established according to the actual situation, and green consumption can be encouraged by issuing green consumption vouchers, green credit, direct subsidies and other ways. Encourage financial institutions to issue green bonds.


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(Editor in charge: Part 1)

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