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2024 Planning for the Sprint of Public Servants' Joint Examination

2024-03-13 11:34:48 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education
The 2024 civil service joint exam is coming. For many students, the sprint before the exam is undoubtedly an important link at present. Especially for some students who have poor basic knowledge of argumentation or have not yet started to prepare for it, how to improve their argumentation scores in a short time is crucial, which directly determines whether they can achieve ideal results in this exam. In this regard, CUHK Education has discussed how students can improve their argumentation scores in a short period of time before the exam and given some feasible opinions and suggestions, hoping to help everyone.

First, master the method of problem solving and remember it. The study of argumentation is a process of knowledge accumulation. Based on the specific examination results, we found that there are five types of questions in the essay: induction, proposal, implementation, comprehensive analysis and article writing. These five types of questions have their own characteristics and unique methods, so for students, you should first be familiar with the methods of doing these questions. Different methods are used for different types of questions in the exam, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, first of all, we need to be clear about the method of doing basic questions.

Second, focus on hot spots and do not relax policies. With basic theories and methods, if students want to further improve their scores or even surpass other examinees, then the accumulation of current political hot spots and the application of policies are essential. On the one hand, the essay exam itself is a combination of current political hot spots and policies. For example: rural revitalization, innovation and entrepreneurship, reform and opening up, the spirit of the times and other hot topics and policies we discussed have been tested. On the other hand, if these two aspects can be applied in the essay answer, it will undoubtedly improve the grade and depth of the article, and then increase the popularity of the readers. These are the "magic weapons" to improve the exam results, and I hope they can attract everyone's attention.

Third, daily intensive exercises are indispensable. As the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Similarly, in the study and application of argumentation, we also need to pay attention to daily practice. Especially before the exam, it is necessary to strengthen the practice of set questions every day, strictly control the exam time, answer questions according to the basic problem-solving skills of the argument, and check and fill in gaps. Establish the corresponding answer thinking and be familiar with the basic thinking of the exam. Focus on finding out your weaknesses, and make up for your weaknesses in the follow-up. Only in this way can you play a long-term role in the exam and finally achieve good results.

I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea. Only when you prepare well in the process of review, can you make a great achievement in the exam. So students, on the premise of mastering the basics, you can only grow and progress by accumulating, applying and mastering the methods. The above are some references on how to improve before the exam, and I hope you can use them.


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(Editor in charge: Han Cuiliu)

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