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2024 Jilin Three Branches and One Support Public Basic Knowledge: Three Major Reforms in the Warring States Period

2024-01-25 11:16:02 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education
Reform and opening up is a powerful driving force for China's economic development and a key move and inevitable choice to achieve people's prosperity. In ancient times, especially during the Warring States Period, a group of heroes rose together. In order to make the country rich and the army strong, various countries advocated reform one after another. stay Examination of public institutions In China, the specific measures of the reform were often investigated. The following is a summary of the three major reforms in the Warring States Period by Zhonggong Education to help you compare and remember.

During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the centralization of power was weakened and there were many princes, which was divided into the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At the beginning of the Warring States Period, the three families were divided into Jin. After the Tian family replaced Qi, Qi, Chu, Qin, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei were the strongest, known as the "Seven Warring States Powers" in history. There have been reformers presiding over the reform in various countries one after another. Let's take a look at the specific fruitful reforms.

[Test question exercise] "Lord Shang is particularly mean, and he is also in a world of war and attack. The world tends to cheat, and still dare not forget to believe in livestock and its people. What a political person who manages the peace of the four seas!" Which historical event is evaluated in this paragraph?

A. Shang Yang's Political Reform

B. Pan Geng moved to Yin

C. Wuding heyday

D. Burn books and bury scholars

[Chinese public resolution] Answer A. This passage comes from Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian", to the effect that Gongsun Yang (i.e. Shang Yang) can be said to be too mean, but they dare not forget to establish credibility to win the hearts of the people when they are in the troubled times of the Warring States when you attack and seize. What's more, they dare not forget to govern the rulers who dominate the world today when they are intrigued, resourceful and brave? Item A, Shang Yang's reform, refers to the reform carried out by Shang Yang in the Warring States Period in the State of Qin, which defined the idea of rule of law, made the State of Qin a powerful country, and laid the foundation for the later unification of the six states of Qin. The Shang Jun in this passage is Shang Yang. This item is in line with the meaning of the title and was elected; Item B, Pan Geng's move to Yin refers to the historical event that King Pan Geng of the Shang Dynasty moved the capital to Yin (Anyang, Henan) after he ascended the throne. This item does not conform to the meaning of the question, and is excluded; Item C, the flourishing age of Wuding, also known as Wuding Zhongxing, refers to the historical event when Pan Geng's nephew Wuding was in power and the national power of the Shang Dynasty reached its peak. This item is not consistent with the theme, so it is excluded; Item D, burning books to pit Confucian scholars, refers to the historical event that Qin Shihuang burned ancient books and records, and killed alchemists and Confucian scholars in order to consolidate his rule. This item does not conform to the meaning of the title, so it is excluded. So the correct answer is A.

From the above questions, it can be seen that in the common sense exam, the examination of this part of knowledge mainly focuses on understanding questions, with moderate difficulty. Everyone should strengthen memory on the basis of comparison and distinction.


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(Editor in charge: Xiao Ran)

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