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"Pathogen" Examination of Nurse Qualification (Part 2)

2023-08-31 15:40:52 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education
1. thrush is caused by Candida albicans (Candida albicans) infection.
2. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is mainly caused by Candida albicans.
3. Dilated cardiomyopathy is most closely associated with coxsackie virus B.
Viral myocarditis is closely related to coxsackie virus B infection.
5. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease of the lung caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
6. Tuberculous meningitis is an inflammation caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis invading the meninges.
7. Herpes stomatitis is caused by herpes simplex virus infection.
8. Ulcerative stomatitis is mainly caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae and other infections.
9. The main cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer is helicobacter pylori infection.
10. The most common infection of infantile diarrhea is rotavirus.
11. The most common pathogen of bacterial pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae: the most common virus is respiratory syncytial virus.
12. Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus.
13. Measles is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by measles virus.
14. Varicella is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella zoster virus.
15. Mumps is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by mumps virus.
16. AIDS is an infectious disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
17. Epidemic Japanese encephalitis is an acute infectious disease caused by Japanese encephalitis virus.
18. Bacillary dysentery is an intestinal infectious disease caused by Shigella.
19. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis is an acute purulent meningitis caused by meningococcus.
20. The pathogens of puerperal infection are mainly anaerobes.
21. Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by trichomonas vaginalis.
22. Tetanus is caused by tetanus bacilli invading human tissues through body surface damage and producing toxin


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(Editor in charge: Part 1)

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