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2023 Jilin Selected Students' Speech Comprehension: "Synonymic Exchange of Words"

2022-11-30 14:12:26 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education Zhang Huadan

In the quiz for selected students, there are many topic tests in speech understanding and expression. When examinees do topic tests, they often like to read the stem repeatedly. When they analyze options, they get entangled, which leads to a long time spent and low accuracy. As for the theme, in fact, many paragraphs are marked with words, such as synonyms, pronouns, causal words, turning words, hypothetical words, etc. These marked words often play an important role in understanding the context of the paragraph. Today, Zhonggong Education will introduce the wonderful use of "synonymous interchanges", which are common among these symbolic words, in the theme.

1、 Understanding synonyms

Common synonyms: that is, in other words, or, is no different from, and so on.

2、 The function of synonyms

Synonyms can play a role in re emphasizing the author's core intention in the passage, and deepen the reader's impression.

Next, we will use an example to show you how to use synonyms.

3、 Classic examples


In the face of earthquakes, science still has great achievements. Through the study of seismic waves, people found that seismic waves include longitudinal waves and transverse waves. The former has faster propagation speed but less destructive power, while the latter has the opposite. Therefore, people can monitor the longitudinal wave of seismic wave with faster propagation speed through the seismic monitoring network and send a signal to the monitoring center. The monitoring center can send an alarm to the public and key facilities with radio waves through the client. In other words, earthquake warning is a "race" between radio waves and seismic shear waves, which gives people a warning before the seismic shear waves arrive.

This passage is intended to explain:

A. The monitoring difficulty of seismic shear wave is higher than that of longitudinal wave

B. The accuracy and speed of earthquake warning system need to be improved urgently

C. The development of radio wave technology is the prerequisite for realizing pre earthquake prediction

D. Scientific use of the time difference between two kinds of seismic waves can give effective earthquake warning

[Chinese public resolution] D. The passage first affirms that science has great potential in the face of earthquakes. Then, through the analysis of the propagation speed and destructive power of seismic shear and longitudinal waves, it points out that after the longitudinal waves are monitored, the earthquake warning can be issued in time before the arrival of shear waves. In the last sentence, "that is to say" is a synonym, which plays a role in further summarizing and explaining the passage, so the main idea of the passage is the last sentence, That is to say, the time difference between two seismic waves can be used by the D term to send out an effective earthquake alarm.

Item A, the article does not involve the comparison of the difficulty of seismic transverse and longitudinal wave detection, and it is excluded; Item B, whether the accuracy and speed of the seismic alarm system need to be improved is not involved in this paragraph, and it is excluded; Item C, which is the non key content of the paragraph, is excluded. The key point of the passage is that the earthquake warning can be issued in time after the longitudinal wave is monitored and before the arrival of the shear wave. The earthquake warning can be issued in time after the longitudinal wave is monitored and before the arrival of the shear wave, so the answer to this question is D.

The purpose of the above example is to tell everyone that when doing the main topic, you can not read the topic stem over and over again, but pay more attention to the marker words in the passage, improve the reading sensitivity, and quickly and accurately find the key content of the passage. Later, you still need to do more questions to consolidate, and I believe that everyone will get something.


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(Editor in charge: Part 1)

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