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2022 Jilin Rural Credit Union Travel Test Speech Understanding: How to Correctly Understand the Turning Point in Fragment Reading

2022-08-03 14:06:56 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

Fragment reading is a common question type in the travel test, and many students often express the feeling that "although I am a native, I cannot read Chinese" when doing this question. It is believed that everyone has experienced this experience, so today's public education will take the passage with turning words in segment reading as an example to tell you how to quickly and accurately grasp the author's views and intentions through the analysis of turning words.

Let's look at two examples:

Example 1

Max Weber pointed out in "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism" that the ideal type of entrepreneurs is the perfect combination of the following two aspects of entrepreneurship or characteristics: they have a firm and highly developed ethical quality, as well as a clear vision and the ability to act; Pay attention to avoid unnecessary expenses, don't boast, and don't be complacent about your own power. But the reality is that the trial and error incentive, identity incentive, belief incentive and other incentives in the whole society are insufficient, which hinders the exertion of the first characteristic of entrepreneurs; The lack of legal constraints, moral constraints and belief constraints makes the second characteristic that entrepreneurs should have mediocre.

This passage is intended to show that:

A. Realistic social mechanism is not conducive to fostering entrepreneurship

B. Combining theory with practice can train qualified entrepreneurs

C. Max Weber's Theory Disjointed with the Real Environment

D. Good social environment is very important for entrepreneurs

[Chinese public resolution] A. The first sentence of the title tells us that the ideal entrepreneur type is a perfect combination of two aspects of entrepreneurship or characteristics by quoting Weber's point of view. Then the second sentence turns to "but", pointing out that the inadequacy of the current social incentive and constraint mechanisms has hindered the play of the first and second entrepreneurial characteristics respectively. The first sentence of the passage leads to the topic, and the second sentence expresses the author's point of view through the turning word "but", that is, the current social mechanism is not conducive to the cultivation of the ideal type of entrepreneurs, so the turning point is the focus of the passage. Next, analyze the options: item A, which is consistent with the author's intention of the paragraph, and reserved; Item B, the combination of theory and practice can cultivate qualified entrepreneurs. There is no basis in the original text, and it is not what the author intended to show; The statement in item C is incorrect. The original text only quotes Weber's words to tell us what the ideal entrepreneur type is, and does not involve evaluating his views; Item D, the author of the passage wants to express that the current social mechanism is not conducive to the cultivation of the ideal type of entrepreneurs, rather than a good environment, which is very important for entrepreneurs. Therefore, it does not conform to the contents of the passage, so it is excluded. Therefore, A is selected.

Example 2

If only from the perspective of cultural relics value, it is really not appropriate to open the paper version of ancient books and documents to readers on a large scale, otherwise, because of frequent reading and the resulting bacterial invasion, their preservation will be affected to a large extent. However, from the perspective of historical value, it should have been open to the society, because only in this way can the value of ancient books be fully realized, and academic research can also make great progress.

This passage focuses on ancient books and documents:

A. Need for public participation in research

B. Protection technology needs improving

C. Openness is a difficult problem

D. More attention should be paid to the attributes of cultural relics

[Chinese public resolution] C. The first sentence of the passage tells us that if we look at the value of cultural relics, ancient books and documents should not be opened on a large scale, and explains the disadvantages of doing so; The second sentence points out that ancient books and documents should be open to the society from the perspective of historical data value, and then explains the benefits of doing so. Therefore, the opening of ancient books and documents was discussed from different perspectives before and after the turning words. At this time, the focus of the passage is not after the turning words, but the summary of the content before and after the turning words. Next, look at the options: item A, which corresponds to the content after the transition, the key points of non paragraphs, and exclusion; Item B, the article does not mention the problem that its protection technology needs to be improved, so it is excluded; Item C, in line with the main contents of the paragraph, reserved; For item D, the article does not compare the cultural relic attribute of ancient books and documents with other attributes, which deviates from the main content of the article, and is excluded. So select C.

Through the explanation of the above two examples, I believe you have a basic understanding of the turning passage in the segment reading. The turning words in the first question are the part of specific analysis before, and the author's opinion is expressed after the turning words, so the key point is after the turning words. But in the second question, before the turning words, the disadvantages of openness were discussed. After the turning words, the advantages of openness were pointed out through comparison. At this time, the turning words played a role not in turning but in comparison. So the focus of the passage was on the generalization of the contents before and after the turning words.

We will stop here today about the role of turning words in segment reading. I hope you can think more and summarize more in the process of exercises after class. Finally, I wish all of you will pass the exam every time!


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(Editor in charge: xucaixin)

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