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2022 Jilin Rural Commercial Bank Test Speech Comprehension Details of "Fast Slow Combination"

2022-07-21 10:37:24 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

Although the number of detailed questions in the line test is not very large, it must be paid attention to as a regular test question type. The examination room is the battlefield, and it is critical to race against the clock. The choice of this type of topic also needs to be stable and accurate. Many students do not know how to grasp this type of questions when preparing for the exam, which wastes time and cannot guarantee the accuracy. How can I quickly improve my speed of solving problems? We can adopt the strategy of "combining fast and slow".

  Quick determination of question type and drawing information  

In the exam, you can quickly locate the form of the question method when you answer the section reading. The common questions of detail questions are: "According to this passage, the correct one of the following statements is" "The following statement is consistent with the original text" "The information not implied in this passage is" "One of the following options is consistent with the meaning of the text". This kind of question is judged as a detail question.

While reading the options, draw the key information in the options, such as quantifiers, conditional words, conjunctions, etc. These words are often used for variant examination of options, which should be focused on.

  Read the questions slowly and correct them  

We can't read the stem of detail questions too fast, which is easy to miss information. Slow reading can accurately locate information when analyzing and comparing options. At the same time, it is necessary to be familiar with the principle of common option setting errors: the text paragraph of the option content is not involved, the concept of the option is incorrectly expressed, the semantics of the option is opposite to the question stem, the option is imposed, and the condition or logical relationship is confused.

Let's look at a topic:


Some scientists believe that the evidence of the association between outdoor activities and myopia is insufficient. Most epidemiological studies estimate the time children spend outdoors based on questionnaires. Christine, an optometrist from the University of California, Berkeley, said that the reliability of this data is questionable. In a small-scale experiment on wearable light sensors, she found that people tend to miscalculate the time they spend outdoors.

According to this passage, the following statement is correct:

A. Questionnaire survey methods in epidemiological research are often unscientific

B. People's estimation of their outdoor activity time may be biased

C. There is no correlation between the length of outdoor activities and myopia

D. Wearable light sensor test is mainly used to record outdoor activity time

[Chinese public resolution] The answer is B. According to the question method, "According to this passage, the following statement is correct". Outline the key information of the option. The judgment word "investigation method is unscientific" in option A; "Possible" in option B; "No association" in option C; "Main" in option D.

Reading material comparison option: Option A is "unscientific method". According to the third sentence of the question stem "data reliability is questionable", the paragraph "unscientific method" of item A is not involved and excluded. Option B is correct according to the last sentence in the question stem, "She found that people tend to miscalculate their time outside". Option C is "not related". According to the first sentence, "the evidence of the association between outdoor activities and myopia is not sufficient", the concept of option C is wrongly expressed and excluded. Item D "mainly used to record outdoor activity time", which is not covered in this paragraph. The correct option is B.

Through the explanation of the above examples, Zhonggong Education believes that you can know when to quickly and slowly solve the detailed problems and accurately master the solution methods to get relevant scores.


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(Editor in charge: WN)

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