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2022 Jilin Rural Commercial Bank survey data analysis: application of characteristic number method

2022-07-21 10:34:57 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

Data analysis is an important part of the test. The questions are easy to understand and must be scored by students. However, due to the large number, it often brings many problems to students in the calculation process. Today, public education will share a fast learning and efficient method - characteristic number method.

  Method introduction  

Characteristic number method is a method that converts percentage into fraction approximately, thus simplifying operation. Let's look at an example to help understand.

Example 1


A.2207.17 B.2618.26 C.2896.38 D.3086.24

[Answer] A. So choose the closest A item.

The direct calculation of this problem is troublesome, but the approximate conversion of 25.3% into Then, the results can be quickly estimated. This is the fast and efficient characteristic number method. But this method requires everyone to accumulate some common conversion between percentage and score.

  Method application  

The characteristic number method is widely used, and the multiplication and division methods can be used. The common formulas are:

  Example presentation  
Example 2

In the third quarter of 2012, in the market of public employment service institutions in 100 cities nationwide, employers recruited about 6.433 million people through public employment service institutions, and about 6.1 million job seekers entered the market, of which 48.8% were unemployed.

Question: In the third quarter of 2012, how many million people were unemployed in 100 cities nationwide?

A.313.9 B.378.3 C.396.8 D.401.2

[Answer] A. Zhonggong Resolution: This question is about the number of unemployed people in 100 cities nationwide in the third quarter of 2012. It can be seen from the passage that the figure is the current partial value, which can be obtained by using the overall value × proportion. Therefore, the formula is 643.3 × 48.8%. So choose the closest A item.

Example 3

In the first half of 2010, the national crude oil output was 98.48 million tons, up 5.3% year on year and down 1% year on year. 117.97 million tons of imported crude oil (customs statistics), up 30.2%. The crude oil processing volume was 205.86 million tons, up 17.9%, 16.4 percentage points faster than the same period last year. Among the refined oil output, the gasoline output increased by 6%, and the growth rate slowed by 7.9 percentage points year-on-year; Diesel production increased by 28.1%, 15.8 percentage points faster than the same period last year. According to industry statistics, the apparent consumption of refined oil in the first half of 2010 was 109.63 million tons, up 12.5% year on year. Among them, the first and second quarters increased by 16.3% and 9.2% respectively.

Question: In the first half of 2010, the apparent consumption of refined oil in China increased by about 10000 tons year on year?

A.1009 B.1218 C.1370 D.1787

[Answer] B. Zhonggong Resolution: This question is about how many million tons of the national apparent consumption of refined oil has increased year on year. According to the passage, it is about the growth. The current value and growth rate are known, and the formula is: So select item B.

In this question, we found that when solving the growth quantity, the formula is You can try to convert the growth rate into a simple score to speed up problem solving.

Through the exercise and analysis of the above questions, we believe that you have a certain understanding of the characteristic number method. In ordinary times, we should accumulate the conversion between common percentages and scores, and flexibly use the characteristic number method to solve problems. I hope you can accumulate and use appropriate methods in the process of preparing for the exam.


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(Editor in charge: WN)

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