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Zhonggong Finance and Economics: Do I have to buy textbooks to prepare for the 2022 intermediate title accounting exam

2022-04-13 13:36:57 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

[Are textbooks for intermediate accounting titles important for exam preparation?]

The answer is important! The textbook compiled by the Accounting Qualification Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Finance is a basic reference book for preparing for the exam. Based on the outline of the intermediate accounting title exam, it basically covers the knowledge points in detail. Reading the textbook is very helpful for everyone to fully understand the knowledge structure of the intermediate accounting exam and the exam points required by the exam outline. The intermediate accounting exam has a certain number of rare questions every year, These topics are generally available in textbooks, and their scores are not high, and they are not the focus of our test preparation. But for students who want to get high scores in the exam, it is also necessary to grasp these scores.

[Need a tutorial book for preparing for the examination of intermediate accounting title?]

The answer is yes! Although the textbooks for intermediate accounting titles cover a comprehensive range of knowledge, they are generally written according to strict knowledge logic, and are all professional expressions, obscure and difficult to understand, with no difficulties. Especially for office workers, the time for preparing for the exam is limited, and it is not cost-effective to prepare for the exam entirely with textbooks. The guidance book quickly grasped the key and difficult points of each chapter on the basis of the teaching materials, summarized the easy test points, and assisted the corresponding topic exercises on the basis of mastering important knowledge points, greatly improving the efficiency of test preparation. If the examinee prepares for the test solidly, he or she can also get very good results and pass easily according to the guidance book.

In a word, you can consider whether to buy textbooks according to your own situation. If you want to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the knowledge of the intermediate accounting title exam, you can buy textbooks as reference materials for learning. If you just want to pass the exam, you can closely follow the tutorial book and also pass it successfully.


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