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Analysis on Difficulties and Difficulties of Spring Campus Recruitment Interview of Agricultural Bank of China in Jilin Province in 2020

2020-05-09 17:50:24 | Source:

After five passes and six generals were killed, in order to successfully enter the bank, all the students overcame difficulties and passed the screening of online application and written examination. Now we have come to the last and most important pass - interview. We all know that if we want to become a banker, we must not slack off in the interview. So how difficult is the interview of Agricultural Bank of China? Today, the junior editor of Zhonggong came to talk about the interview of Agricultural Bank of China.

The interview of Agricultural Bank of China mainly includes two forms: semi-structured interview and leaderless group discussion. Generally, leaderless group discussion is conducted first, followed by semi-structured interview. In a few areas, only semi-structured interview is conducted.

The semi-structured interview questions of Agricultural Bank of China are relatively random and involve a wide range of questions. In addition to the basic information of candidates, there will also be some questions related to the work practice of the bank. They will also be asked based on their resumes or self introduction. The number of questions depends on the total interview time and the personal situation of the candidates, and the form is flexible. In the semi-structured interview in Anhui, the topic of impromptu speech even appeared, which requires the examinee to have a very high ability of reaction and expression in the process of taking the exam. It is really difficult to deal with it without careful training and preparation. For some ordinary semi-structured questions, it also needs continuous training, to be familiar with the characteristics of various types of questions, to correctly grasp the core of each question, and to find a suitable way of expression, otherwise many students will often be nervous and unable to realize the intention of the examiner, resulting in poor answers.

In recent years, the forms of the leaderless group interview of Agricultural Bank of China have become more and more diversified. In addition to the regular leaderless group discussion, there will also be leaderless debate, role playing, team games and other forms, which make the interview difficult. In the leaderless interview, the interviewer will evaluate the candidates' relevant abilities and personality characteristics according to their speech and behavior during the interview. The leaderless interview assesses the comprehensive ability of candidates. It is difficult for candidates who do not understand the leaderless interview to perform well in the leaderless interview.

For those who apply for the Agricultural Bank of China, if they have successfully passed the written examination and want to get good results in the interview, time is tight and the task is heavy, this is not alarmist. Instead, we should seize the opportunity to prepare for the exam from now on. We should learn about the interview form and regular exam questions of the Agricultural Bank of China in advance, and know ourselves and the other in order to win. These Zhonggong are ready for you to go ashore smoothly!

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(Editor in charge: xucaixin)

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