How much is it to join the chain of beer and fried chicken

2021-12-06 17:24:22   Source: China Franchise Network   1299 people participated
  • Scope of business: beer fried chicken
  • Number of stores: 0
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Beer fried chicken is a favorite snack food for many young consumers, and fried chicken tastes good. There are also many flavors to choose from, which can meet the needs of different tastes. Now many entrepreneurs are also particularly interested in such a special snack, mainly because the cost is not high and the market demand is large. So, How much does it cost to join the chain of beer and fried chicken? Let's get to know.

How much is it to join the chain of beer and fried chicken

Beer fried chicken is a popular snack all over the country. If you want to join the beer fried chicken, the franchisee will need the following fees. Franchisees need a franchise fee of about 50000 to 100000 yuan, and then they need store rent, decoration fees, and opening fees. In the first tier and second tier cities, franchisees need a start-up fund of about 200000 yuan. The capital invested in franchise is flexible, and the amount of franchise costs is determined by the location of the store and the size of the franchise store. In different cities, the investment will be different. For those who join the county, only about 100000 yuan is enough. If you want to open a store, the franchisee can go to the company headquarters to understand and negotiate cooperation matters.

If you choose to join this project, the headquarters will provide perfect service system for the franchisees and assist them to open stores in the market. Later, the headquarters will also send professionals to provide targeted training for franchisees, so as to ensure that each franchisee can easily master it.

The prospect of beer fried chicken

After many people engaged in the project of beer and fried chicken, they not only earned their investment in a short time, but also made their families live a good life, which is enough to show that the project is more reliable. In addition, people's lives are getting better and better, and the demand for food is also growing, so there is more room for development to join the beer fried chicken. Therefore, in recent years, it has opened more and more stores, even in some remote areas.

How much does it cost to join the chain of beer and fried chicken? After the introduction above, I believe we all know something about it. Beer fried chicken has a very good reputation and influence, and also occupies an important position in the minds of consumers. In this way, the franchise project has broad market prospects and business opportunities in the future, so that entrepreneurs can easily earn money.

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