Chairman of Meihao Hotel, great feelings of national entrepreneurs

2016-03-01 09:21:10   Source: China Franchise Network   2409 people participated
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: five hundred Over 10000
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"In 2000, I decided to settle down in the hotel industry and establish the business belief that the foundation will be laid in the next 30 years and the change will not be allowed in the next 100 years. For me, there is a complex in taking the hotel as a career. When I first visited the joint venture hotel, I felt from the eyes of the service staff that they did not respect foreign guests. Just to respect these two words, I decided to work hard all my life to make my own hotel feel respected. " Meihao Hotel Chairman Gong Zhaoqing wrote on his microblog that the lines between the lines show the great patriotic feelings of a national entrepreneur.

Gong Zhaoqing, Chairman of Meihao Group, Golden Tripod Award for Hotel Management, Top Ten Economic Figures in Shaanxi Construction, Vice President of Shaanxi Hotel Association, Vice President of Shaanxi Tourist Hotel Association. After 20 years of entrepreneurship and management in the hotel field, his service and creation redefined the mid end exquisite business travel theme hotel experience, and led Meihao Group to win the favor of tens of millions of users.

In the early days of his entrepreneurship, when Chairman Gong Zhaoqing first inspected the hotels in the developed regions of the country, he was keenly aware from the look of the service staff that they had no less respect for people than for foreign guests, not to mention other behaviors and service attitudes. This kind of experience deeply stung Gong Zhaoqing's heart. He set his goal for himself. "At that time, in order to respect this word, I decided to work hard all my life to make my own hotel feel respected. Let Chinese people find national pride here and enjoy the services and respect they deserve." So I will "beautiful, proud Chinese people" Such moral and good vision endow Meihao brand.

As a service industry, hotels should basically respect and serve customers. Under the leadership of Chairman Gong Zhaoqing, Meihao Hotel is determined to make Meihao Hotel a place where all Chinese people can enjoy dignity and where everyone can feel national pride. Respect all people, regardless of color, nationality, beliefs and, as long as the guests can enjoy due respect, and behind respect is warm care, warm smile, so that every customer's needs can be met, so that every guest can feel that Meihao Hotel is their home on the journey, where only the warmth and security of home. Chairman Gong Zhaoqing said: I dare not say that we can do it now, but it is our bottom line goal. I firmly believe that as long as we persevere in doing it, this goal will be achieved in the near future.

The Chinese nation is rising. As one of them, we should contribute our own strength to the rise of our country. This strength should not only be material, but also promote the national spirit and demonstrate national beliefs. As a good national entrepreneur, Gong Zhaoqing has a great dream: "I have a dream that Meihao Hotel will be opened abroad, so that business travelers abroad can proudly choose Meihao Hotel, and foreign smart candidates can actively join Meihao Hotel. Foreign brands can do it, and I believe our hotel brands can do it."

This great national sentiment is enough for us to expect that the national enterprises represented by Meihao Hotel will continue to grow and lead the world.

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  • nine hundred and sixty-nine people Focus on hotels
  • six thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight people Consulting hotel

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