After six years of retrenchment, he will continue to retrenchment in the future. What does he like about Ester?

2020-06-11 11:00:20   Source: China Franchise Network   2407 people participated
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 300-500 ten thousand
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In 2020, the outbreak of the epidemic triggered a nationwide war against the "epidemic". At this special moment, a number of positive and moving anti epidemic warriors and heroic deeds emerged in all walks of life. Among them, the tourism and accommodation industry, as an important component of social economy, also demonstrated extraordinary courage and responsibility in the fight against the "epidemic", making important contributions to support the fight against the "epidemic". In particular, the hotel brand led by Ester Group has been recognized by CCTV for its outstanding anti epidemic measures. On this basis, Ester Hotel Group has taken the lead to comprehensively upgrade the brand image and enterprise value around the new trend of post epidemic hotel development, with "peace of mind" as the core value concept and digital strategy as the development guide to empower the future of the hotel, It has won the attention of the industry. So far, Maidian Wangji has invited Tan Qi, a multi store franchisee of Astor Hotel Group in Nanning, Guangxi, to interview, so as to explore the enterprise value of Astor Hotel Group in the minds of franchisees.

Tan Qi, a multi store franchisee of Astor Hotel Group

Chapter 1

Let the world have no difficult hotel

"I was dazzled by Ester's products"

Before entering the hotel industry, Tan Qi's main business was interior decoration. As he was nearing middle age, Tan Qi felt that he should find a stable industry to join in, so as to maintain a stable life in the future. After careful consideration, Tan Qi has taken a fancy to the hotel industry among many channels. "This is one of the reasons why I chose Astor Hotel Group." Tan Qi said, "After determining the direction, it is more important to choose the hotel brand."

Facing the dazzling hotel brands, Tan Qi admitted that he had investigated for 2 years. "When I was about to sign up for another famous brand with a large market share, my friend took me to see the Astor Hotel. After the investigation, I changed my mind and decided to sign a contract with the Astor Hotel Group." Tan Qi still remembers giving up the famous brand to choose the Astor Hotel at the critical moment. "The first impression is very bright!"

"Young and fashionable are my impression of Ester"

As he is familiar with interior decoration, Tan Qi is very sensitive to interior decoration and design, especially details. Therefore, when investigating, the fashionable, young and intelligent product design of Astor Hotel dazzled Tan Qi. "Although he is not a hotel person, he still knows the needs of consumers for interior decoration very well, and the design of the Astor Hotel has hit the target of young people's aesthetic pursuit." In the design of the hotel space and functional areas, the Astor Hotel emphasizes the sense of design and interaction, which skillfully graft the blue romantic atmosphere of the Mediterranean with the western humanistic art style, The overall style is simple but exquisite.

Astor Hotel Lobby

The hotel lobby, which combines Italian elegance with today's fashion elements, allows guests to stay away from the busy city and immerse themselves in the elegant quality of the hotel in the exquisite hotel decoration and luxurious display of soft clothing; Corridors and gyms have become fashion culture spaces that emphasize brand cultural characteristics, brand colors, etc., are extensible, can contain multiple elements, and enrich young people's aesthetic needs; In the design of guest rooms, Astor Hotel attaches great importance to improving the woodiness of the bed screen and the texture of the bedside lamp, making the overall line and structure of the bed screen more layered, richer and cleaner. The combination of multi-functional combination tables and imperial chairs in the guest rooms increases the flexibility of the room space of Astor; The restaurant, which is decorated with wood color and stone structure, and soft decoration such as abstract oil painting, emphasizes simplicity, quality and elegance, but also has multi-function design. The design of functional cabinets such as multiple combination of table collocation, embedded "one-stop" water bar, coffee bar, etc. meets the young customers' pursuit of catering fashion and quality.

"After two years of investigation, the experience and cost performance are very good"

"Today's young people's requirements for hotel products are not only aesthetic, but also quality and experience are extremely important." Tan Qi said frankly that the fashionable style and high-quality products of Astor Hotel are very important for improving the customer experience. At the same time, in the hotels he visited that year, the experience of Astor Hotel was very good, which was also an earlier group of smart services.

With the experience economy sweeping the entire consumer market, the application of intelligent products of Astor Hotel and the high-tech hotel check-in and interaction system not only increase the interaction between guests and hotels, guests and guests, but also integrate social scenes into every space of the hotel. "The young hotel products themselves enhance the customer experience, and the intelligent application makes the customer experience more rich, avant-garde, fashionable and high-quality." Tan Qi said.

At the same time, other brands under the Ester Hotel Group also have their own charm. Tan Qi said that these young, fashionable and charming hotel brands can meet his various needs and choices. In addition to the Ester Hotel, which takes elegance, affinity and light fashion as the hotel style and positions itself as a mid-range business hotel, the Ester Hotel Group also provides guests with ease The light and medium scale business travel Astor Meitu Hotel brand with free living experience; As well as the middle - and high-end business hotel, the Astor International Hotel, which focuses on providing luxury, comfort and elegant services for business travelers in the first and second tier cities; In addition, Esther also has high taste, tonality and artistic sense, positioning the new urban consumption complex hotel - Yasefei Hotel, aiming to bring a rich hotel experience with the new urban consumption complex to high-end consumer groups.

Astor International Hotel Lobby

Astor International Hotel Multi functional Restaurant

"During the investigation, we found that the cost input and single room cost of many hotel products of the same category in the market are higher than that of Astor Hotel." Tan Qi said that the single room cost of Astor Meitu Hotel is basically between 60000 and 70000 yuan, while that of Astor Hotel is between 70000 and 80000 yuan. The single room cost of Astor International is also controlled at around 95000 to 100000 yuan, However, hotels of the same category in the market are 10 to 20 thousand higher. With the deepening of cooperation with Ester, Tan Qi is more and more reassured. "The products of Ester Hotel Group have gone through a long and careful market research, and then they will be introduced to the market after careful polishing." Tan Qi said, "As I evaluated at that time, Ester Hotel is really popular in the market." Soon after joining the Ester Hotel, Tan Qi quickly returned to many stores of hotel brands such as Ester International.

Chapter 2

"Be responsible for the franchisee, and my life will be better"

When talking about his repeated investment in the brand of Astor Hotel Group, Tan Qi said without any hesitation: "Good products are the premise and foundation, and efficiency is the key." The integrity, responsible work style of Astor Hotel Group and the expected actual benefits of the stores have made Tan Qi determined to pursue investment for many times.

When it comes to joining experience, Tan Qi is as familiar as a professional hotelier from property selection to later hotel operation to group member output.

Astor Meitu Hotel Lobby

Whether it is self owned property or property selected for investment, Ester Hotel Group will help the franchisee partners to make full preliminary research and judgment, and maintain full communication with the franchisee partners. "Ester Hotel Group will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the project, the surrounding environment of the property, customer group analysis, etc. one by one, and inform me in advance." Tan Qi said, "I think Ester is a conscientious brand." In addition, In order to extend the service life of the property, reduce the chance of renovation, and lengthen the benefit life cycle of the franchise partners, Ester also attaches great importance to the maintenance and repair of the property, and sets up a special maintenance department to regularly and irregularly maintain the hotel's various designs.

Esther International Hotel Room

Tan Qi also said that the steady growth could not be separated from the perfect talent management system of the Ester Hotel Group. The perfect and comprehensive talent training, management, compensation and welfare systems have kept the retention of talents, while the ratio of people to rooms has saved human costs to a certain extent. "People who work in hotels know that the talent of store management is very important!" Tan Qi said that his hotel staff turnover rate was very low in the six years he became friends with the Astor Hotel, especially the core management of the hotel, the general manager of the hotel, who had no turnover, and he himself also trusted the general manager of the hotel very much. The deeper reason for all this comes from the corporate culture of Astor Hotel Group from top to bottom, which has the spirit of inclusiveness, symbiosis and a sense of gain from inside to outside. Now, with the continuous development and growth of Ester Hotel, the corporate culture and value of Ester have also been given more value.

"20 million members support high occupancy rate is the daily life of the store"

"When investing in a brand, I attach great importance to the membership system. The membership system is actually the performance of the rental rate, which is reassuring." Tan Qi introduced that Astor Hotel Group has more than 20 million members, the member repurchase rate reached 58%, and channel reservation accounted for more than 40%. In his stores, at present, the output of Ester members accounts for about 55% of the rental rate. Especially during the epidemic period, in order to maintain the revenue of the stores, Ester Hotel Group also actively cooperated with Nail to launch the "comfort room", which increased the rental rate of the stores.

In addition to the strong operation and management ability and the continuous and strong output contribution of the membership system, Astor Hotels Group also provides a variety of policy support to its partners. Tan Qi said that cash flow is very important for hotel operation. Ester Hotel Group has solved the worries of its partners. Especially in the off-season, Ester will also reduce the franchise fee and give policy subsidies, which makes him very relieved.

Esther Hotel Room

Chapter 3

Esther, advanced wave

Franchisee: Conscientious enterprise, I grow with it

In fact, when Tan Qi chose to invest in Astor Hotel, Astor Hotel Group had just appeared in the market for less than 5 years. Tan Qi was also very brave and courageous when he was able to give up the hotel group with large market share and high reputation and switch to Astor Hotel Group. But he attributed all this to his unique vision and the charm of Ester himself. "In 2015, I joined Esther when she had just developed without many stores. It can be said that I grew up with Esther."

"In line with standardization, Ester taught me how to build a chain hotel"

When it comes to growing up with Ester, Tan Qi shares a story. Because he is good at interior decoration, Tan Qi had many questions about the decoration standard, construction process, cost input, etc. proposed by Ester Group at the beginning of cooperation with Ester, and had some differences with the brand. "Why is it a little more expensive than ordinary ones here? Why do you want to do this here? Why do you want this style?" Tan Qi has his own ideas about decoration design. "However, the fact shows that the brand is right in its insistence, and my obstinacy leads to the poor quality of the later decoration!" Tan Qi said frankly that this is probably a collision that every non-standard hotel person will experience when they move towards the chain. With great tolerance and patience, Ester has taken him step by step to understand how to do a good job in chain hotels.

Astor Meitu Hotel Room

After learning from the market and being educated by the standard process and quality of Astor, Tan Qi's second and third stores... slowly opened up, The quality of home decoration is completely different from that of the hotel.

"The Group's strategy is comprehensively upgraded, and the future of Ester is foreseeable"

"Esther is the real wave behind us!" Tan Qi said that according to the group's data, Esther Hotel Group has maintained a 200% expansion momentum for two consecutive years, and has maintained a growth rate of more than twice in the past three years. In terms of establishment, development time, brand tonality and style, Astor Hotel Group is always called the "back wave" in the industry. After all, it has grown from scratch. From 1 to 500, it only took less than 9 years for Astor Hotel Group. Now its stores have spread to many key cities in Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shandong and other provinces and regions, The leap forward development speed has made Astor Hotel Group rapidly become the top 7 middle end hotel.

Even so, Astor Hotel Group still maintains the momentum of "back wave". Based on the insight into the new pattern of post epidemic hotels, based on the "Blue Bay Culture", Astor Hotel Group upgrades the brand value concept, that is, the "peace of mind" value with customers, employees and shareholders as the core, and the "peace of mind" value as the service guide, and constantly optimizes customer consumption experience and products, Create a sense of security for customers.

In addition, based on the trend of intelligent application of hotels, Ester Hotel Group also proposed the digital operation and management strategy of "Four Haves" brand to improve the hotel's operation ability and better serve the franchise partners. At the same time, Astor updated its marketing concept and formulated a trinity brand differentiated marketing system to create a beautiful traveler like travel and living experience with the theme of "beautiful", "fun" and "easy to live". With the upgrading of the consumption experience, the hotel has been given more meaning, and Astor Hotel has also put the retail, ecological, social and intelligent hotel products on the agenda.

At the end of the interview, Tan Qi said that the future development of Astor Hotel Group is foreseeable, and he is ready to continue to reinvest in the future. With the promotion of the group's new "1357" strategy, "Blue Bay Future 2025", digital strategy, etc., Astor Hotel Group will lead everyone to become more rich!

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