What is the procedure for opening a Jinjiang Capital Hotel

2022-07-09 13:30:00   Source: Global franchise network   210 people participated
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: five hundred Over 10000
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Nowadays, people have a variety of needs for the choice of hotels. The traditional business hotel can no longer meet the choice of many consumers. More personalized hotels have become the choice of many consumers, and are also the main trend of the current hotel industry development. As an outstanding hotel brand in China, Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel is an outstanding hotel project of Jinjiang International Group. It has gathered many characteristic elements in the development of the project. With a combination of many artistic elements, it can meet the needs of many consumers, and has been favored by many partners with its diversified development. So what is the procedure for opening a Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel?

Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel has many distinctive experience rooms, and has launched many distinctive theme projects for current consumers, including breathing warm color theme rooms, sleepless art theme rooms and other types. So, what is the procedure for opening a Jinjiang Capital Hotel? First, the franchisee should have a detailed understanding of the brand, and then submit the application for joining according to the actual joining situation. Generally, the headquarters will conduct a comprehensive analysis of joining according to the actual situation of the franchisee; After obtaining the permission of the headquarters to join, you can go to the headquarters for an actual project inspection. Generally, you will discuss all matters of joining in detail, sign the joining contract after reaching the agreement on joining cooperation, and then prepare for many matters of joining and opening a store.

Relying on the strong development strength of the headquarter Jinjiang International Group as a solid backing, Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel introduces the Internet, shares economic resources, and cooperates with many franchise partners for joint development. In addition, Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel has a central service channel, a professional and perfect online booking platform can bring many conveniences to consumers, and the headquarters has an advanced customer resource sharing system.

So, what is the procedure for opening a Jinjiang Capital Hotel? Jinjiang Metropolitan Hotel has an outstanding performance in member cooperation. The online APP independently established by the brand has more than 60 million downloads, and the number of WeChat followers has exceeded 18 million. In addition, the member exchange cooperation projects include Feichangzhun, QQ Music, etc., and also has cooperative development with many different industry brands.

 Non Fanchengpin Hotel
  • one thousand two hundred and fifty-six people Focus on hotels
  • nine thousand and thirty-seven people Consulting hotel

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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