What does hotel service quality include

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Hotel service quality refers to the degree to which the services provided by the hotel for guests are suitable for and meet the needs of guests, or the sum of the characteristics of services that can meet the needs of guests. It mainly includes the following aspects.

◆ Hotel environment quality
Environmental quality is an integral part of hotel service quality, which means that the hotel's service atmosphere brings sensory enjoyment and psychological satisfaction to guests. It mainly includes hotel buildings and decorations with characteristics and in line with the hotel grade, hotel service facilities and service places with reasonable layout and easy access, decorative styles full of interest and characteristics, clean and dust-free hotel environment with appropriate temperature, and hotel employees with dignified appearance. All these constitute the unique environmental atmosphere of the hotel, which can meet both the material needs of guests and their spiritual enjoyment needs.

◆ Hotel facility quality
The facilities and equipment of the hotel are the basis for the existence of the hotel, the support for the hotel to provide services, and reflect the reception capacity of a hotel. Hotels rely on their facilities and equipment to provide services for guests. Therefore, the quality of facilities and equipment is the basis and important part of hotel service quality. The quality requirements of hotel facilities and equipment are:

◇ Complete facilities
The number of service facilities reflects the perfection and supporting degree of the facilities. The number of hotel facilities should not only be determined according to the hotel's tourist source, but also meet the requirements of the hotel's star standard.

◇ Reasonable structure
The design and layout of hotel facilities and equipment should be carried out from the perspective of facilitating the use of guests. The hotel should not only consider the ownership of facilities and equipment, but also the practicality. At the same time, the operation of facilities and equipment should also be simple. If it is more complex, guests should be informed of the specific use method in a clear way, so as to avoid equipment damage caused by improper use by guests.

◇ Comfortable and beautiful
The comfort and beauty of facilities and equipment depend on the grade and configuration of facilities and equipment on the one hand, and the maintenance of facilities and equipment on the other hand. Therefore, we must strengthen management to ensure the comfort of facilities and equipment. Only in this way can we provide a material basis for improving service quality.

◇ Qualified performance
The intactness of hotel facilities and equipment directly affects the service quality. It is necessary to improve/increase the normal operation of various facilities and equipment, and give full play to the efficiency of facilities and equipment, otherwise it will bring safety problems. Only by improving/increasing the quality of facilities and equipment can hotels provide guests with a variety of comfortable services, thereby improving service quality and hotel reputation.

◆ Hotel product quality
Physical products are a direct reflection of meeting the material consumption needs of hotel guests, and their quality is a factor that affects guest satisfaction. The physical product quality of the hotel usually includes:

◇ Quality of dishes and drinks
The quality of catering products occupies an important position in the minds of guests. Therefore, managers must attach great importance to it. The requirements are accurate and applicable selection of raw materials, fine processing and cooking, palatable product flavor and moderate catering prices.

◇ Quality of guest supplies
Guest supplies include disposable consumables and multiple consumables, which are also an integral part of the hotel's physical products. They are all kinds of living supplies that the hotel directly provides for guests to consume. Their variety and quality must be compatible with the hotel's star level, abundant in quantity, timely in supply, able to meet the needs of guests, and must also improve/increase the safety and health of the guest supplies provided.

◇ Quality of goods
Hotel commodities are articles of daily use, handicrafts, etc. sold in hotel malls. The hotel's shopping malls should be complete in variety, reasonable in structure, beautiful in display and reasonable in price, and should conform to the shopping preferences of the hotel's target market customers.

◇ Quality of service supplies
The quality of service supplies refers to various supplies used by service personnel in the process of providing services by the hotel, such as the working car of the housekeeping department, the tray of the catering department, the dining car, etc. It is the premise of improving labor efficiency and meeting the needs of guests, as well as the necessary condition of providing considerate services. The quality of service supplies shall be complete in variety, sufficient in quantity, superior in performance, convenient in use, sanitary, etc.

◆ Hotel service level
Hotel service level is mainly the service state and level shown by the attitude and behavior of hotel service personnel. It mainly includes the following aspects:

◇ Service attitude
Service attitude refers to the subjective intention and psychological state of hotel service personnel in the service to guests. The service attitude should be proactive, friendly, patient and attentive. Its quality is determined by the initiative, creativity, enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and quality of employees.

◇ Service skills
Service skill refers to the skill and ability of hotel staff in the process of customer service, which is the technical improvement/increase to improve service quality. The level of service skills depends on the professional knowledge and operating technology of service personnel, and whether they can be flexibly applied according to the specific situation.

◇ Service mode
Service mode, that is, the manifestation of service activities and behaviors, such as standing, delivering goods, pouring wine, serving dishes, etc. The way of service reflects the specification of service to a certain extent, and the service must be standardized, beautiful, decent and in line with etiquette.

◇ Service efficiency
Service efficiency is the hotel staff's grasp of the concept of time and work rhythm in the process of customer service, which requires accuracy, speed and timeliness. Hotel service efficiency can be roughly divided into three categories: one is the fixed service efficiency expressed by "man hour quota"; The second is to use "time limit" to express service efficiency; The third category refers to the service efficiency measured by the feeling of guests, which has a "time concept" but no clear time limit. However, service efficiency does not only refer to speed, but also emphasizes timely service, that is, it should be flexibly mastered according to the actual needs of guests, and it is required to provide a service immediately before guests need it.

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