How much is the brand usage fee of Smart Select Holiday Inn

2022-11-23 10:01:25   Source: Global franchise network   216 people participated
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 3000
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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With the improvement of people's living standards, people will enjoy life more and more. In daily life, many friends will travel. Holiday hotels are needed for traveling, and the market demand for holiday hotels is growing. Some entrepreneurs see this business opportunity and want to join in and open stores. The small editor recommends Smart Choice Holiday Inn, which has strong comprehensive competitiveness and is worth joining and cooperating with. Then, how much is the brand usage fee of Wise Choice Holiday Inn?

 Joined by Wisdom Select Holiday Inn

Wise Choice Holiday Inn is one of the most famous hotel chains in the world. In 1952, the brand was founded in the United States. It originated in the United States and developed globally. Guided by the consumer market, we constantly improve ourselves. Actively expanding the consumer market, thousands of franchise hotels have been developed around the world. The brand has a high market share and strong comprehensive strength. To join Wisdom Select Holiday Inn, entrepreneurs need to pay a certain franchise fee to the brand company, such as brand usage fee. The franchise fee such as brand usage fee is not high, and the specific fee shall be subject to that charged by the brand company. Entrepreneurs can choose different cooperation modes according to their own specific conditions. They can choose either the discretionary management mode or the franchise mode. There are a variety of franchise stores to choose from, with flexible investment, and the pressure on venture capital is not particularly great.

 Wise Choice Holiday Inn

On the basis of the traditional holiday hotel, it has been constantly improved and integrated with many new elements. Therefore, Zhixuan Holiday Inn has many characteristics. The first is the smart breakfast. The hotel provides a rich and delicious Chinese and Western breakfast buffet, which supports breakfast takeaway and facilitates free travel. Then comes the comfortable sleep. The bedding is made of down, soft and hard double pillows, patented mattress for spine protection, air conditioning fresh air system, blackout curtains, sound insulation seamless solid wood doors, bringing guests a good night's sleep. Next is Zhilian Wireless, TV projection, high-speed network, and advanced intelligence.

How much is the brand usage fee of Wise Choice Holiday Inn? If you want to join in and open a hotel, you can consider choosing a holiday hotel wisely. There are many advantages in brand joining, such as brand size, membership system, business model, etc. With the joint efforts of both sides, it is easy to succeed. The hotel has its own characteristics, which is easier to attract consumers. The overall living experience is good, the market return rate is high, and the customer source is very stable.

 Non Fanchengpin Hotel
  • one thousand two hundred and fifty-six people Focus on hotels
  • nine thousand and thirty-seven people Consulting hotel

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