Kangbo Hotel unlocks a new experience of "enjoying the law"

2023-12-20 15:38:23   Source: Global franchise network   1978 people participated
  • Business scope: hotel management
  • Number of stores: 15000
  • Single store investment: five hundred Over 10000
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There were post stations in ancient times and hotels today. For travelers, where to stay is related to the quality of the journey and whether they are happy or not. With the continuous improvement of living standards, today's hotels are not only a place to stay on a journey, but also a kind of check-in experience.

Li Wei, president of Campbell Huiyu Hotel brand BU, said on the 2023 "Louvre Night" forum: "Campbell is not only a hotel, but also a gathering space. Every scene and every corner can create unforgettable moments." So how does Campbell Hotel achieve the functional transition of the hotel? The secret is hidden in the brand "mind" and product "novelty" of Campbell Hotel.

In 2022, Campbell Hotel brand will change its Slogan from "nostalgia for every moment" to "self owned new sharing method". The new Slogan has further reshaped its value system on the original basis, which is the "intention" of the brand to deliver to consumers.

With this "intention", Combo Hotel introduces the "French gene" with a prudent attitude and integrates it into hotel design, catering and spare parts. With the continuation of the "Sino French integration" feature, it expects consumers to stay more. The freedom, liveliness and enthusiasm in the French gene are slowly released in the Campbell Hotel, unlocking a new experience of "enjoying the law" for every guest.

In addition, Combo Hotel has spared no effort in creating experience value to realize the "mission must be achieved" of the brand. French greetings, child care services, reassurance package services, high-quality French catering and so on, all of which are comments that highlight the brand operation of Campbell Hotel.

In addition, based on the new experience and life pursuit of contemporary living, Combo Hotel also launched a new room design upgrade program with Studio as the theme, and integrated green environmental protection, intelligent technology applications, combined with the product elements of mid tier hotels, to achieve the combination of scenes and functions.

The French Studio guest room design not only brings unique accommodation experience to consumers, but also expands the space utilization.

Huiyu Hotel, which is in the same vein with Kangbo Hotel, is a natural hotel brand advocating physical and mental healing, and a fresh and natural existence in the hotel industry. Huiyu Hotel makes full use of the compound space, ingeniously integrates natural elements such as flowers, green plants, sunshine, water sources, etc., to create a physical and mental soothing space that moves with the seasons, bringing tourists a natural secret of spiritual abundance and light healing, so that the vast number of tourists can slow down in the garden style immersion experience, get close to nature, return to their true selves, and embrace the happy slow time. The brand style of Huiyu Hotel also enables its premium ability and brings competitive hotel options.

Both Kangbo Hotel and Huiyu Hotel are based on accommodation but not just accommodation, creating one representative space sample after another worthy of interpretation.

 Non Fanchengpin Hotel
  • six hundred and twenty-eight people Focus on hotels
  • twelve thousand seven hundred and seventy-six people Consulting hotel

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