In October 1934, after the failure of the fifth counter campaign against "encirclement and suppression", the main force of the central Red Army was forced to implement a strategic shift and withdraw from the central base for the Long March in order to get rid of the encirclement and pursuit of the Kuomintang army.
In two years, the Long March of the Red Army moved to 14 provinces. After twists and turns, it overcame many difficulties and obstacles, preserved and tempered the basic forces of the revolution, transferred the base camp of the Chinese revolution to the northwest, and created conditions for carrying out the Anti Japanese War and developing the Chinese revolutionary cause. The Long March, which began in 1934 and ended in 1936, broke through the siege of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops and sang the triumphant song of strategic transfer. It was a heroic epic written by ordinary people in the modern history of war.
On the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, let's review the course of the Red Army's Long March, remember the heroic achievements of the heroes, and feel the indomitable spirit of the Long March.

Secrets of the Long March
Forever Red Army