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      Suichang: The 2023 "Charity Day Donation" and the East West Cooperative Charity Fund Raising Campaign were successfully carried out

      Released at 12:36:04 on October 12, 2023-12, Long term effective , 111 browsing
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    • Area: Jinyun
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    Time: September 28, 2023 Source: Suichang County Civil Affairs Bureau

    On September 8, the 2023 "Charity Day Donation" and East West Cooperative Charity Fund Raising Ceremony of Suichang County was successfully held. The purpose of this activity is to further implement the implementation opinions of the State Council, provincial and municipal governments on promoting the development of philanthropy under the guidance of the Charity Law of the People's Republic of China, vigorously promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of "charity for the people, poverty alleviation and poverty relief", and promote the high-quality development of Suichang public charity. Hu Gang, secretary of the county party committee, Li Feng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and head of the county, Luo Yunqian, director of the standing committee of the county people's congress, Tan Guoqing, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, and other leaders above the county level attended the launching ceremony.

    At the event site, the county leaders who participated in the ceremony, full of their true love for the people in need and deep friendship for the eastern and western cooperation areas, successively put the donations into the red donation box to give their own love, and led the whole county to participate in philanthropy with practical actions, creating a strong atmosphere of charity for all and everywhere.

    The "Charity Day Donation" activity was held from September to October. Every citizen who proposed to participate in the activity voluntarily donated one day's income, enterprises donated one day's profits, and party and government organs, public institutions, social organizations and other institutions donated part of the saved funds. At the same time, this activity encourages qualified enterprises or social caring people to establish charity assistance funds or naming funds. The funds raised from the activity will be used to help the rural revitalization in the eastern and western cooperation areas, and help the old, weak, sick and disabled groups in the county to carry out various assistance and relief.

    It is reported that in the 2022 "Charity Day Donation" activity, the County Charity Federation raised a total of 1.8675 million yuan, including 1.4058 million yuan from East West cooperation; 138 government institutions, 7 enterprises and more than 7600 cadres, workers and citizens participated in the activity.

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