Blue is better than blue

The beautiful scenery is always there; Dragon Boat Festival, can not be without you; Thousands of words, bless forever; Zongzi conveys affection, and sachet guarantees safety; Realgar wine adds auspiciousness; Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Cast with iron and copper

Regardless of the trend of the times and the social fashion, people can always rely on their noble quality, transcend the times and society, and take their own right path. Now, everyone is chasing the competition for refrigerator, car and house. This is the characteristic of our times. But there are also many people who do not pursue these material things. They pursue ideals and truth, and gain inner freedom and peace—— Einstein

Poor origin and extreme source

Give you a light wind, with my greetings; Give you a ray of moonlight, reflecting my image; Give you a piece of white clouds, soaking my warmth; I send you a message to wish you a happy Father's Day!

in a tight corner

Genius is nothing more than putting others' coffee drinking skills into work—— Lu Xun

strange voice or an affected manner

I said before: I love you, it has nothing to do with you. Now I say: I loved you, and your future has nothing to do with me.

Meng Shi and Han Bi

Cherish the present process, don't care about the results

Bow your head and hit your head

"Here's sugar for you" (Dangerous.)

Aleng nigo

Girl, it's a fine day every day. come on.

Mom knew she would be angry

Go in love, break your heart, talk about people, talk about money

One, two, three turn around haha

My appearance will never have a love that will last forever

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