Notebook quick shutdown shortcut key - computer

The shutdown of the drop-down list some time ago really exploded. In fact, there are many ways to shut down the computer. For example, click the menu bar to select a basic standby mode, and immediately unplug the computer chassis (this type of standby mode is faster, but the cost on the computer is a bit high. The quick shutdown mode can let us get out of the office faster, grasp the elevator car faster, and win at the starting point. So which standby mode is faster and most advantageous? Today, I would like to share with you a method to quickly shut down your mobile phone by clicking with the mouse. Operation process: Step 1: First, press WIN R at the same time and type "r..." in the pop-up "Operation" prompt box

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The most powerful argument in the world is nothing like practical action, and the most effective education is nothing like doing by oneself; Never ask others for what you can't do yourself; If you want to make mistakes, criticize yourself first and correct your own mistakes first.

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 Laptop fast shutdown fast

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