Factual record
Catch the Flight

"Dumitru Belakish, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to China | New Year's Message"

「Ambassador of Moldova to China Dumitru Braghis|New Year greetings」
Chinese Mirror 2024.02.07

"Charg é d'affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Papua New Guinea in China | New Year's Message"

「 The Charge d’ affaires of Papuai New Guinea Embassy|New Year greetings 」
Chinese Mirror 2024.02.07
Visual generation
Use the lens to find the human visual precipitation language Discovery

The public welfare cultural activity "Blow it, the wind in April" released a warm-up promotional video

The 24th "Blow, the Wind of April" will be broadcast live on at 7:00 p.m. on April 30. Famous artists who participated in the performance this year include Qu Xianhe, Zhang Junying, Zhang Miaoyang, Ji Guanlin, Chen Duo, Qiao Zhen, Li Lihong, Gong Linna, etc. Looking forward to meeting you on time!
Chinese Mirror 2023.04.25

Exclusive Interview with Characters of "4.24 China Aerospace Day" | Space Lights up Dream, China's first generation aerospace coach Wu Jie

April 24 is the seventh "China Aerospace Day", which commemorates the achievements of China's aerospace industry and carries forward the spirit of China's aerospace, aiming to stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole people, especially young people, to advocate science, explore the unknown and dare to innovate.
Chinese Mirror 2022.04.24

Just talk for ten minutes | What should Shaanxi state-owned enterprise cadres do when they beat their wives violently in front of children and face domestic violence?

On January 19, a netizen released a video of domestic violence on social media. In this nearly two minute video, the man hit his wife on the head in front of the child and hugged her. Even though she fell to the ground, the man still rode on her and continued to beat her. During this period, the child cried and asked the man to stop, but the man still didn't stop beating his wife. The wife kept shouting, "Baby, don't be afraid." Later, an old man in red appeared, but only took the child away, leaving the man to continue the violence.
Chinese Mirror 2022.01.24

Just talk for ten minutes | Tonga volcanic eruption is equivalent to 1000 atomic bombs. How will it affect the earth

On January 14, the submarine volcano near Ahaapai Island in Tongahong erupted violently, and a large amount of gas formed a huge mushroom cloud, which instantly penetrated the troposphere, with an eruption height of at least 25 kilometers.
Chinese Mirror 2022.01.19
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Light shadow
A Memoir of Our Own

Picture drifting [holiday]

The theme of "Picture Drifting" activity of China Cultural Tourism Photography Association: Author of the festival: Liu Yu, Lin Hui, Zhang Xi, Zhao Yiyi, Cai Qingshun, Fu Wei, Huang Min, Lin Wuyou, Wang Ruiqin, Wang Yukun, Xia Song, Yu Shuhan, Zuo Lifeng, Jia Jianhua, Zeng Weimin, Duan Ranxing, Gong Jianguo, Hu Tu, Shen Min, Xie Hao, Zhang Weimin, Cao Xuanyu, Gu Caihua, He Huawen.
China Cultural Tourism Photography Association

Picture Drifting [Cultural Impression] EP2

Picture Drifting Theme of China Cultural Tourism Photography Association: Cultural imprint Author: He Xiang, Zhong Zhiyong, Sun Liang, Shang Zhentao, Bao Yong, Liu Zheng, Wu Yuchen, Zhang Jiawen, Chen Hao, Tan Xiaofeng, Liu Jinlei, Chu Xiaoguang, Wang Ruiqin.
Chinese Mirror

Picture Drifting [Cultural Mark] EP1

Image Drifting Theme of China Cultural Tourism Photography Association: Cultural imprint Author: Pang Hongyu, Shi Yang, Lian Zhicheng, Ai Jiaxian, Gao Zhihong, Li Xiaoke, Liu Wenzhong, Zhao Yiyi, Duan Ranxing, Sun Liang, Yang Lei, Yang Xinran.
Chinese Mirror

Photo Drifting [Dusk Snow] EP2

Photo Drifting Theme of China Cultural Tourism Photography Association: Snow at dusk Author: Zhao Yiyi, Wu Zhujuan, Yan Miao, Yang Weidong, Zhang Shiyou, Zhang Weimin, Zhang Yan, Zhao Dazhi, Zhong Zhiyong, Wang Dong, Sun Liang, Liu Yong, Liu Wenhua.
Chinese Mirror

Photo Drifting [Dusk Snow] EP1

China Cultural Tourism Photography Association Photo Drifting Theme: Dusk Snow Author: Zero Zero (Zhang Fengchun)
Chinese Mirror
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Degree seeking
Taste the temperature and depth of the image Nominal scale
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