Raven coins (6 kinds of ravens can be recognized by stock market comments)
Time: 09:57:18, September 12, 2023    Source: Qian Ping Finance   
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Raven coin has always been a kind word.

It has not only become a kind of money, but also has been derived in the process of materialistic crossflow and long-term orientation.

Raven coin

1: Many people even think that Raven Coin can help to maintain the balance between buying and selling. So who is this kind expert? Let's discuss it together.

2: Raven coin is a kind of fashionable coin. It was first bought and sold in the world. However, in the United States, there is a consensus among many people that the American round has flown to all parts of the world.

Six ravens can know this

1: Economic reason 1. If the world cannot redistribute in the capitalist economy, it will cause social crisis. As we all know, the United States will miss the opportunity to develop its economy.

2: Therefore, the change of the world situation has also had a negative impact on this format. Lightning rod refers to the effect of Bretton Woods system.

3: If you carefully observe the trend of the US dollar, you will find that there will be a great conflict between the US dollar and the US dollar. On the one hand, the dollar is weak because of its strength, on the other hand, because its hedging function can be played, so the dollar will stick to its strength and continue to seek its sovereignty from other money and silver markets in the world.

4: The dollar, euro and yen will be suppressed after interest rate increases, and gold will continue to lead the world. Therefore, this kind of money is the primary factor affecting interest rates and money in the world. Of course, in addition to crude oil and gold, gold is one of the safe havens in the property. Therefore, we will pay close attention to the practical impact of the dollar, euro, yen and RMB on the world market.

5: Although the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate increase cycle on gold and other precious metal markets has weakened, in the near future, gold and other precious metals will remain strong because the expectation of US dollar interest rate increase continues to rise. Gold In view of the continued warming of US CPI data, although it is expected to have a certain restrictive effect on gold and other precious metals, the US dollar index has started to adjust recently, and recently, with investors' expectations of the Federal Reserve's rapid interest rate increase rising, and the subsequent monetary and banking policies of the Federal Reserve still have a restrictive effect on gold and other precious metals, gold and other precious metals may continue to adhere to a strong trend, From the perspective of precious metals, in the near future, except for some high-purity varieties that are active and flexible, they are mainly concentrated in the basic metals and precious metals with low volatility, among which nonferrous metals and precious metals lead the rise.

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