[Stock matching with Lu Qiumei] What kind of stocks to buy in the hot year? What type of stocks to buy from the end of the year to the beginning of the year
Time: 09:53:42, September 12, 2023    Source: Qian Ping Finance   
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The list of this article is as follows: 1. What types of stocks are good to buy from the end of the year to the beginning of the year, What stocks to fry at the end of the year 7, whether there are stocks suitable for holding for a long time 1, what types of stocks to fry at the end of the year to the beginning of the year

I am a short position recently. At the end of the year, we all sell stocks in the New Year, so there is a great possibility of decline. If I have to recommend you, buy supermarket stocks! Supermarkets are quite popular at the end of the year! Ha ha ha

2. What kind of stocks are good for the sales of spring transportation train tickets? Please describe the specific stocks


(Related data drawing)

High speed China Railway

If you think too much and too simplistic, it's strange that the stock will rise significantly.

3. What kind of hot stocks are in the stock market

I bought it on Yuanpu's investment, but I was still struggling about whether Chang'an Zhixiang No. 2 or Yuanpu Outstanding No. 7 New Third Board Fund

Too extensive. There are thousands of stocks, even if you classify them as belonging to the five elements of fire, there are hundreds of stocks. What's the usage? The key is still the skill level, and the market situation at that time.

4. Let's see if you can make money by buying stocks in November. Thank you

Please tell me whether you earn more or less. Thank you

Although the world line turns back to grams, the month of Hai is flourishing, and the three combinations in the divination are in the middle, which means there is a callback, but the callback is the time to buy.

What's the meaning of operation error

Operation error is your level

Unsafe after the beginning of winter

Operation error

5. Friends in the stock industry, happy New Year, the Year of the Dragon, prosperous and prosperous. Ask friends for advice on short-term after the festival

It's almost there. Go up and down after the festival. Let's sell

Since 2012, the popularity of shopping malls has recovered under the influence of favorable policies. Recently, there have been many good policies, and there is a high possibility that the market will continue to recover after the New Year. In terms of sectors, agriculture, media, nuclear power and other sectors with favorable policies and expectations are expected to "rise", and "spring sowing" can be carried out at the end of the year.

Banking stocks are rebounding. It's a good time to find those with lower valuations and less rebound.

Buy Bank of Nanjing

Look at the market trend. Look at the graphic stock selection. Happy New Year.

The landlord is also rich! Buy a bank

We get rich

6. What stocks to buy at the end of the year

I just have a feeling about this. If you do this, you will definitely benefit! That is: on the last trading day of the New Year and the first trading day after the end of the New Year, you will open the up and down chart and be the first to rush to the up and down chart. Whatever the reason, you will definitely not lose money if you buy the stock. Let's forget about earning more and earning less? Proposition: Top 10 gainers can receive attention from self selected stocks

I think cars and steel are good. These are the most popular stocks I bought recently, with a high increase. For example, Dongfeng sedan

I am a short position recently. At the end of the year, we all sell stocks in the New Year, so there is a great possibility of decline. If I have to recommend you, buy supermarket stocks! Supermarkets are quite popular at the end of the year! Ha ha ha

Consumer stocks, such as alcohol

Consumption of liquor and annual report market - with high dividends and stock dividends.

Food is the most important thing for people, and grain stocks stagnate in the early stage; Gold stocks, because of the increasingly scarce resources, also deserve attention.

7. Are there any stocks that are suitable for holding for a long time

What time has it been? China's national conditions have been squeezed by the United States and the West. Our listed companies have suffered from the deterioration of the internal investment environment and the appreciation of the exchange rate. Now it is difficult to generate good returns to repay shareholders. Recommend and invest in the world to produce wealth goods: foreign exchange (the number of global investors is up to 20 million) with high returns. Business can be short and long 24 hours a day. Unlike stocks, it can only be long. Foreign exchange does not restrict the number of transactions. If it is found that losses can be closed immediately, it is not like closing positions in stocks, When the market comes, people can quickly enter the market, learn easily, and grasp easily. Violence is dozens of times more than stocks. This is the hottest item in the world's wealth. Every day, many people around me are playing a myth of how many times the principal. I am the broker of the largest foreign exchange company in the world, American Forex Group, and I want to ask for more information on qq741724358 (online from 8:00 to 23:00).

The value of stocks is long-term contribution. High quality stocks in a market should fit such characteristics: the company's surplus market is firmly located, and the market where it is located is always open. The center has outstanding talent, outstanding financial performance, outstanding management strategy, market sensitivity, and competitive advantages. Outstanding companies do not have the problem of management structure. China is an economy that continues to adhere to a 10% increase, and consumption is still strong. In the next decade, China will continue to become the largest market for all products in the world! After expanding domestic demand and reducing the negative effects brought by the appreciation of RMB, invest in the most valuable stocks and buy them today! Take 10 years! China Merchants Bank Minsheng Bank Qingdao Beer Wuliangye Small Product City Baosteel Vanke Datong Coal Industry CITIC Securities Tongrentang

5 to 10 years? Let me recommend Haitong Group (600537) to you. Highlight: (1) Perfect combination, both quantity and price rise, and benefit from photovoltaic feast. After restructuring in 2009, the company has become the only pure listed company in photovoltaic industry in both cities. (2) Straight integration, high singing and rapid progress, rich return is imminent. (3) The price of components has risen steadily. The company's 200MW expansion production line with a larger shipment than expected can be put into production in August. After reaching the capacity, the company's capacity will increase from 200MW to 400MW. The orders of the company in the second half of the year have been filled, and the annual shipment of the company has been increased to 280MW. If you want to hold it for a long time, I have calculated that this stock will at least double in five years (there will be no big rise this year, and the ex right of the next year will be the catalyst for the rise. If it is convenient, you can add Q: 1153521148, and I can analyze the long-term technical trend for you.

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