What does it mean to distribute the main force? How should the main chips be calculated?
Time: 2022-10-17 13:22:55    Source: Nancai   
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What does it mean to distribute the main force?

The main force distribution means that the main force sells chips from its hands to retail investors, also known as main force shipment; Divided into bottom shock and high distribution (belongs to the stage of washing dishes and absorbing goods. Generally, the stock price will fluctuate greatly in the box, and the main force will distribute large orders at the top of the box, causing the stock price to fall rapidly. After falling, the main force will buy back in small orders at the bottom of the box shares ), dish washing and distribution on the way up, and high-ranking shipment distribution.

How should the main chips be calculated?

Calculate the net purchase of major orders. This method is suitable for calculating chips in the main wave raising and shipping stages. Usually, we calculate the net quantity of large orders on the current day through super trading. Generally, there are several standards for large orders, 300000, 500000 and 1000000. The threshold for using this method is high. You need to be able to calculate chips and spend a lot of time shares It takes 1-2 hours per day.