How to regulate individual foreign exchange purchase? Is there a limit for purchasing foreign exchange?
Time: 2022-09-28 21:42:29    Source: Nancai   
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How to regulate individual foreign exchange purchase?

Within the annual facilitation limit: the annual equivalent value of each person is less than 50000 US dollars (inclusive) certificates In the bank; Do not occupy the annual facilitation quota: except for my valid identity certificates Foreign, domestic individuals also need to currency Different fund uses provide corresponding authenticity with transaction amount nature Supporting materials.

Is there a limit for purchasing foreign exchange?

The individual foreign exchange sales business of online banking shall be controlled by the annual transaction limit with the customer as the unit. The maximum amount of annual foreign exchange purchase of customers is equivalent to USD 50000 currency Each person has an exchange limit equal to USD 50000 every year, which is shared in both directions currency share. According to the "Individual" issued by SAFE foreign exchange According to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Administrative Measures, the annual total amount management shall be implemented for individual foreign exchange settlement and domestic individual foreign exchange purchase, and the annual total amount shall be 50000 US dollars per person per year.