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      Jiashan Xitang City Railway, drilling!

      Released at 17:14:55 on February 22, 2023, Long term effective , 219 Browse
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    • Area: Jiashan
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    • Information Details
    Published on: February 22, 2023 15:29 Source: Jiaxing government website

    In the morning of February 18, the first three-axis mixing pile was mobilized for construction in the SG2 section of Jiashan Xitang City Railway. With the smooth downward rotation of this "Optimus Prime" type "three-axis mixing pile" equipment, it means that the project has officially entered the construction phase of the envelope.

    This section is located between Jiashan Station and Zhongxin Industrial Park Station, with a length of about 3.5km. It intersects with the planned Jiashan Avenue at Pingli Highway, mainly underground.

    "Today, our construction area is the transition section between the underground tunnel and the viaduct. We first carry out the three-axis mixing pile construction, which is a necessary process for the subsequent construction, and also to ensure the construction safety of the future excavation of the underground section." Ye Yuelin, the technical director of the Xitang Line SG2 bid project of China Railway Beijing Bureau, introduced that what is currently being implemented is the starting shaft of the underground tunnel project. After completion, A large shield machine will enter the underground from the wellhead, and then dig southward to open up space for the railway tunnel. The pile foundation construction of the enclosure structure of this section is expected to be completed in November.

    The Jiashan Xitang City Railway Project starts from Jiaxing Fengnan City Railway Jiashan Station (not included), passes through Zhongxin Industrial Park, Yaozhuang, Xitang, etc., and ends at the provincial boundary of Taipu River, Zhejiang and Shanghai, with a total length of 20.4km, all within the territory of Jiashan. Among them, the underground section is 5.7 km, the elevated section is 13.7 km, and the transition section is 1 km; There are 4 elevated stations, namely Zhongxin Industrial Park Station, Yaozhuang Station, Xitang Station and Xiangfudang Station, with an average distance of 4.63 km and a design speed of 160 km/h.

    "The project is an important part of Jiaxing's regional railway network, and also an important part of Shanghai Suzhou Jiaxing Intercity Railway, and will be a fast rail transit channel connecting northern Jiaxing and Shanghai It is of great significance to accelerate the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. In the future, due to the many stops and high departure frequency of trains, it will be more convenient for people to commute and travel.

    In order to ensure the safe and smooth progress of road construction, Jiajia reminds again that from February 18, 2023 to November 18, 2023, temporary traffic restrictions will be implemented from the level crossing of Muye Avenue and Pingli Highway to Yiligu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. of Muye Avenue, and all motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians will be prohibited from Muye Avenue (section from Mudiaocheng to Yiligu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.), All vehicles and personnel can take the west side auxiliary road to bypass.

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