The girl who has loved for many years finally married someone else!

2017-12-22 13:54:48   Source: China Franchise Network   1309 people participated
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The girl who has loved me for many years sent me a WeChat message:

"I'm getting married, will you come?"

"Huizi finally married someone else"

I have a lot of things in my mind, looking at the dialog box code

Cut back and forth, and then only two words were returned: "Good."

Huizi, my childhood sweetheart

When she was young, her parents were always away from home because of their busy work

In addition, my mother's cooking skill is excellent, and the cooked rice is fragrant and glutinous

So she always comes to my house to eat

The neighbors always teased her:

"Huizi, you should marry someone when you grow up,

Otherwise, I would have eaten rice for so many years for nothing! "

Huizi probably met in my life

Special girl

Because she is special! No! Yes! Eat!

What we talk a lot every day is:

"What would you like to eat at my house today?"

No accident, we fell in love

I admit that I am a rabbit who has eaten the grass beside the nest

After all, acquaintances are easy to start with

Most lovers come from the relationship of friends

After graduating from college, we cohabited

At first, it is naturally sweet to be indescribable

She likes traveling, and I have accompanied her through 21 cities

She likes watching movies. My computer is full of all kinds of movies

We are working hard to manage this small love nest in a rented house

However, we still haven't reached the end

The beauty of Keiko in her wedding dress is suffocating

When the wedding host announces that the groom can kiss the bride

My heart trembled:

"I feel that the pigs I have raised for many years have arched other people's cabbages"

I am determined to bite my teeth

Push the groom away and hold Huizi's hand

Said something I haven't said for years:

"Huizi, you will not be happy to marry anyone except me!"

Keiko slapped me

"You bastard, you have eaten your rice for more than ten years for nothing. What a big hatred!

People are more enterprising than you! "

People are more enterprising than you

Two years of cohabitation

Huizi has been taking care of me silently, without complaint or regret

You are proficient in washing and cooking, and you can sweep the floor and keep house in every way

Such a girlfriend saves me a lot of worry

However, for such reasons, my tears could not help falling


In the hearts of girls

Men's career is so important

If you want to be the eldest brother of women

Men must have a career of their own

Young Newton's elite education for children

The project advocates the teaching method of independent inquiry and group teaching

Adhere to the school running concept of serving only the children of families who understand education

The educational goal is to improve children's comprehensive ability and knowledge application ability

It covers four major education projects, namely, nursery service class, multi-dimensional youth class and elite training class

△ Four major programs for young Newton's elite education

The choice of wisdom should be the best

Little Newton · Strength Escort

Focus on children's education for 15 years

It has become a favorite children's education brand of 10 million students and parents

More and more education entrepreneurship wisdom has chosen it. So far, Little Newton Children's Elite Education School has opened 18 direct schools and more than 180 cooperative campuses across the country The number is still refreshing

Little Newton Children's Elite Education School strives to be an advanced brand of children's education and is born to "cultivate talents".

Choose Young Newton's Elite Education and Entrepreneurship

Outside, you are respected by thousands of students and parents

Inside, you are worshipped by your wife

After a long love run


She's used to the little gift you gave her

I'm used to hearing your sweet words


Give her a new radical self

Let her see the future

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 Ubel Science Museum
  • one thousand two hundred and eighteen people Focus on education
  • eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-seven people Counseling education

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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