Nanjing Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Hall: nearly 100 open members!

2024-01-03 10:15:21   Source: Global franchise network   501 people participated
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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"The child is having problems reading, and I want to help, but I don't know where to start." This is the problem that Mr. Cao, a member of the franchise store of Shuguo Planet Nanjing Children's Reading Center, has just met.

As a parent, Mr. Cao first thought of finding a professional reading guidance organization for children. When searching, I found that some local institutions could not fundamentally improve children's reading ability. She also found that there are many parents who have the same worries as herself. So Teacher Cao had the idea of opening a reading hall.

After choosing the direction, Mr. Cao began to investigate relevant brands nationwide. After understanding the whole reading guidance system and products of Shuguo Planet, Mr. Cao believes that this is scientific, reasonable and future oriented reading, which is really children oriented reading.

In the franchise store of Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Center, there are not only borrowing services, but also multi intelligence reading meetings and colorful reading activities, adding a variety of reading guidance forms.

Shuguo Planet has followed the laws of physical and mental development of children aged 3-14 at different stages, and has independently developed a widely recognized four-dimensional and five force reading system and reading methods with reference to international PISA standards. Accurately grasp the situation of children when reading, so that children can gradually gain a sense of achievement in reading, and thus fall in love with reading.

After signing the contract, Mr. Cao began the decoration work in full swing.

At every step from 0 to 1, the franchise store of Shuguo Planet Nanjing Children's Reading Center has the participation and support of the support team of the headquarters. During the preparation period, from decoration layout to marketing promotion, we formulated a targeted opening program for Mr. Cao.

After the official opening, with the advice and help of Shuguo Week, Mr. Cao successively carried out reading sharing activities and puppet show activities in the store according to the actual situation, and promoted cross industry cooperation relying on the advantages of the mall complex store. The activity achieved remarkable results, with a comprehensive conversion rate of up to 80% and a parental recognition rate of over 98%. Only during the opening period, nearly 100 members were recruited throughout the year! The parents present expressed their recognition of the whole book reading club of Shuguo Planet.

A promising children's reading hall can maintain its vitality in the future and enhance its core competitiveness only by stimulating children's reading interest with scientific methods, helping children fall in love with reading and solving family reading problems.

The franchise store of Shuguo Planet Jiangsu Nanjing Children's Reading Center is doing such a professional and scientific thing to guide children's reading under the support and research and development guidance of the headquarters.

On the way of children's reading, we are fellow travelers. Let's move forward side by side, take children to read thousands of books, and infiltrate children's childhood with the fragrance of books.

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