Ranking list of art education franchise stores

2021-12-16 10:07:36   Source: China Franchise Network   1589 people participated
  • Business Scope: Fine Arts
  • Number of stores: 479
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Now every parent hopes that their children will have some skills and will have a good foothold in society in the future. Therefore, it has promoted the rapid development of educational institutions. Now there are many art training institutions on the market, among which art training institutions are popular. Many businesses have found business opportunities in this industry and want to join in. Let's take a look, What are the rankings of art education franchise stores?

Ranking list of art education franchise stores

Art education of Aitegri

Based on the service for children's education institutions, Aitegrui Art Education is committed to the curriculum system of children's education and operation management support. At present, the company has Lele title safe house safety education courses and Ettegre aesthetic literacy and creativity courses, and its service scope has spread to thousands of kindergartens and principals' art education institutions across the country.

Jimeiji International Art Education

Jimeiji Art adheres to Reggio's global concept of children's education. In the children's art industry, Jimeiji Art is one of the leading figures. Jimeiji's school running philosophy has always been at the forefront of the children's art industry. At present, Jimeiji has many direct stores, which are located in the prosperous commercial area of Dalian. Jimeiji children's art subverts traditional art and refuses rigid teaching. Try to develop children's creative potential and practical ability. It is also the educational principle that Jimeiji has always adhered to. Through art play teaching, children's ability can be developed.

Caiyifang Studio

With its teaching philosophy, management team, strong consultants and teachers as well as creative force, Caiyifang Studio has been highly appraised by domestic and foreign education consultants and art festivals with its international vision, spirit, standardized management system, excellent achievements of students and artistic practice, and is also trusted and loved by students and parents. The prospect of the studio of Caiyifang is very good.

Blue Sky Art Training

Blue Sky Art Training was established in the autumn of 2002, and is a legal training institution officially registered with relevant departments. It is a pre exam training base for fine arts with the Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and other higher art colleges as the main training direction. For eight years, adhering to the guiding ideology of "educating people first, training, and happy teaching", adhering to a new teaching philosophy, and abiding by a serious teaching attitude, we have delivered a large number of excellent students to the fine arts of colleges and universities across the country, helping students achieve and complete their initial life goals and enter the ideal university.

Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone has Ranking list of art education franchise stores , have you understood everything clearly. As an art training institution concerned by parents, the art industry has developed well. The small and medium-sized editors above introduced several art institutions to everyone, and the headquarters brought perfect support, professional guidance and free technical training to each entrepreneur, so that entrepreneurs can quickly become formal.

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