Under the trend of science education, where is the new opportunity for the transformation of the education and training industry?

2024-02-22 08:42:24   Source: Global franchise network   446 people participated

From September 2017, Science was added to the curriculum of grade one of primary schools. In 2023, the Ministry of Education and other 18 ministries and commissions issued the Opinions on Strengthening Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era, clearly proposing to vigorously support science education in primary and secondary schools and encourage social forces to participate in it. Why is science subject to country So much attention?

In fact, when science education is viewed in a global context, China This decision of the Ministry of Education is not surprising. In recent years, science education is undergoing a dramatic and profound change worldwide country They have poured great enthusiasm and energy into science education. In this international context, China Our basic science education is also facing the urgency of change. Whether it is active adaptation or passive response, change has become inevitable.

The stage of basic education is the key period for students to plant grass with scientific spirit and innovative quality. Scientific research has shown that the cultivation of innovation ability is not achieved overnight, but needs to be started from the moment the baby is born. From the birth of babies, they adopt Sensory inquiry way to understand the colorful world, such as grabbing objects, listening to sounds, observing colors, etc., are all created by them New thinking And ability. And when they entered the primary and secondary school stage, this period was even more New thinking And the ability to explode. Children are full of curiosity and questions about the world. They will explore everything around them with a more acute and curious attitude. Therefore, at this critical stage, paying attention to cultivating students' interest in science and adopting teaching methods that can stimulate their curiosity and exploration desire will have a profound impact on their future development.

"Light up curiosity and stimulate the desire to explore" has always been the educational philosophy of Qiqu Science. Starting from interest, let children learn science, love science and use science. Compared to other The teaching methods of "fragmentation" experiment, "spoon feeding" and mechanical memory adopted by scientific training institutions focus on stimulating children's curiosity and exploration desire, rather than simply instilling knowledge. The course covers 4 major scientific fields, 24 topics and 300 knowledge points, and adopts original 6+6 teaching method, ensure The curriculum is closely combined with the experimental link to provide children with a more intuitive and in-depth learning experience.

The curriculum design of Qiqu Science also relies on the internationally leading science teaching philosophy and the primary school science curriculum standards, and has jointly developed a set of major Systematic and perfect scientific literacy enlightenment courses. This course is a leading and systematic scientific literacy enlightenment course in China. Its main goal is to cultivate children's scientific thinking, scientific literacy and innovation ability, and lay a solid foundation for their future science learning.

At present, branch campuses and curriculum cooperation institutions of Qiqu Science have spread over more than 50 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu and Heilongjiang, forming a science education network. This achievement not only reflects the educational concept and model of Qiqu Science superior Sex also laid a solid foundation for its further development. In the annual event of Sohu Education held at the end of 2023, Qiqu Science will rely on its scientific innovation New education And outstanding performance in the field of scientific literacy cultivation, together with New Oriental Excellent Programming and Power Education and other institutions, it won the "2023 Science and Technology Innovation Award" New education Famous brand ". This honor affirms the leading position of Qiqu Science in the field of science education and highlights its advantages in curriculum innovation and systematicness.

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