The 5th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of Shuguo Planet's Opening and Joining has ended successfully!

2023-12-18 15:32:36   Source: Global franchise network   553 people participated
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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On December 12, sponsored by Shuguo Planet, the grand closing ceremony of the fifth anniversary of the opening and joining of the "Gather Power and Co create" Children's Reading Growth Center was opened. Heads of institutions from all over the country and people interested in the development of children's reading industry gathered in Qingdao, thus adding a satisfactory end to the 2023 Qingdao joining ceremony.

At the meeting, Mr. Zhang Hongsheng, the national children's reading promoter and the founder of Shuguo Planet, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Shi, co-founder of Shuguo Planet and president of the four-dimensional five force Children's Reading Research Institute Wen also adopt regard Speech at the opening ceremony in the form of frequency.

In the five years since the opening of the franchise, we have always been firm in our brand goal, and have obtained brand compound interest, accumulated rich brand assets, and hundreds of partners have firmly joined Shuguo Planet. Against the backdrop of economic downturn, Shuguo Planet still welcomed hundreds of partners this year, achieving growth against the trend.

Later, Mr. Guo, a researcher of Shuguo Planet's four-dimensional and five force Children's Reading Research Institute, carefully analyzed the demand of the current reading market and shared the research and development achievements.

In order to make the store stand out in the fierce competition, the solution is to feature the product and refine the service. For more than ten years, based on children's reading promotion and practical research, Shuguo Planet has produced the "four-dimensional reading guidance theory system" and its supporting products with independent intellectual property rights, improved children's comprehensive reading literacy from different dimensions, and maintained the characteristics of store products.

At present, Shuguo Planet is still developing new products according to store demand, bookstore scene and market environment, so as to improve the comprehensive strength of franchise stores.

At the meeting, the investment manager of Shuguo Planet Reading franchise project explained the store operation plan from many aspects, such as site selection, pricing, decoration, trial operation, and annual activity arrangement, with the theme of "building stores from 0 to 1".

To meet already Organic The participants of the organization need to increase revenue and expand the influence of the store. The investment promotion manager also has the theme of "playing with new methods of store operation", adopt Detailed scheme, giving suggestions on daily operation rhythm and details, market environment analysis, income generation analysis, personnel management, etc. At the same time, personalized answers are given to the needs and questions of participants in different dimensions.

On site guests strongly agreed with Shuguo Planet's reading franchise mode, products and development strategy, and several partners signed contracts on the spot! Amid warm applause, Shuguo Planet's "5th Anniversary Celebration of Children's Reading and Growth Center's Open Cooperation" ended successfully!

If you are interested in the reading franchise project of Shuguo Planet and want to open a children's reading library franchise store or expand the reading club project for the store, welcome to consult, and we will give you a detailed introduction!

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