"Early Childcare Integration" Helps Newborn Families Better Growth

2023-03-21 16:33:13   Source: Global franchise network   327 people participated
  • Business scope: nursery education and early education
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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China Policies for infant care services

After the family planning policy was canceled, more families chose to have "more children", so the number of newborns gradually increased, country Pay more attention to infant care. country Constantly update and improve the policy on infant care services. In April 2019, the General Office issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Infant Care Services under the Age of 3, proposing to "establish and improve the policy and regulatory system, standard and normative system and service supply system to promote the development of infant care services".

1. Family oriented, supplemented by nursery education. The process of human socialization starts from the family. Child custody and upbringing is the legal responsibility and obligation of parents, and the family bears the main responsibility for infant care. The focus of developing infant care services is to provide scientific parenting guidance for families, and provide necessary services for families or infants who have difficulties in caring.

2. Policy guidance and education priority. Include infant care services into the economic and social development plan, accelerate the improvement of relevant policies, strengthen policy guidance and overall planning, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social forces, vigorously promote the development of infant care services, and give priority to supporting infant care service institutions.

three security Healthy, scientific and standard. Protect infants and young children according to the principle of children first, ensure Infantile security And health. Follow the growth characteristics and laws of infants and promote their all-round development in physical development, movement, language, cognition, emotion and sociality.

4. Territorial management and classified guidance. Under the leadership of the local government, we should start from the reality, comprehensively consider the characteristics of urban and rural development and regional development, and carry out targeted infant care services according to the level of economic and social development, the basis of work and the needs of the masses.

With the introduction of the policy, the service institutions for infants and young children have also strengthened training and learning, constantly expanded the supply of teaching, and strengthened the education and care of children. The policy support is more conducive to promoting the high-quality and standardized development of the infant service industry and meeting various family needs.

The development prospect of "early care integration" industry

Nowadays, the society's parents have gradually become the post-80s and post-90s generation. The new generation of parents have new ideas and pay more attention to the development of their children than the older generation. How can children develop healthily in the critical period? Choosing an appropriate early education center is sure to get twice the result with half the effort. The concept difference of intergenerational childcare makes a new group of parents more willing to send their children to such centers, which can not only enable children to grow better, but also reduce the burden of parents, and meet the needs of new families in many ways. Now that the epidemic has passed, the number of families having children has gradually increased, and many families have begun to take their children out to play. Choosing a place where children can play happily and develop physically and mentally is bound to be an early education institution. It can be seen that all major institutions have chosen to join the children's early education and childcare market.

The uniqueness of Newhatton

Newhatton is different from the traditional "Early Childcare Integration" institutions in the market. We use the English teaching method to hire major Foreign teachers can make children feel pure American education and lay a good foundation in English from childhood. Our curriculum philosophy is also formulated according to the American headquarters, and we reject the dead knowledge on books and monotonous unified curriculum. We teach children in the form of themes, such as solar terms, festivals, family members, food and other different themes for children to learn, and cultivate children's dexterity, brain development, five senses, thinking, cognition and language. Newhatton has completely achieved the goal of making children feel different every day here, and never feel boring.

Franchise support

Newharton has established a mature and perfect franchise management model, adopt The work in the three stages of early preparation, early operation cultivation and later sustainable operation guidance helps partners master the advanced management model in the industry and achieve healthy operation. The headquarters provides support for franchisees to open 9 stores. From site selection, opening to operation, each link is a standardized process. The whole process provides services for all campus operations of franchisees. Newhatonic major The operation team and the faculty team have tailored their own programs for various franchisees to achieve rapid preparation, stable revenue and high efficiency.

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