Shanghai CCE Expo Site: Qiqu science attracts investors' attention, and science education track continues to be hot

2024-04-29 16:12:36   Source: Global franchise network   462 people participated
  • Business scope: science courses, textbooks, teaching aids
  • Number of stores: 10
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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From April 1 to 3, 2024, the annual CCE Quality Education Expo will be held in Shanghai. This exhibition will bring together enterprises related to aesthetic education, scientific education, camp education, soft power, reading, etc. to explore the new trends and development trends of the quality education industry.

Qiqu Science will also appear in this exhibition, gathering with people from all walks of life who are concerned about quality education to discuss the development trend and future of quality education.

At the Shanghai CCE Quality Education Expo, the famous online personage "Grandma Wu who didn't brush the title" came to the scene, came to the booth of Qiqu Science, and had a cordial conversation with the founder Ms. Zhang Fang. Ms. Zhang Fang introduced the education concept and curriculum design mode of Qiqu Science in detail, emphasizing that it pays attention to cultivating children's scientific literacy and innovation ability. "Grandma Wu who didn't brush the question" highly agreed with this, and encouraged Qiqu Science to continue to provide good science education resources for children, so as to help them grow better on the road of science.

Since its inception in 2013, Qiqu Science has always focused on providing multi-disciplinary integrated scientific literacy enlightenment education for 6-12 year olds. The brand takes "lighting up curiosity and stimulating exploration" as the educational concept, and guides children to learn science, love science and use science through carefully designed science literacy enlightenment courses, transforming their "interest" in science into "interest" in science. After more than ten years of deep cultivation and expansion, Qiqu Science has not only established a solid foundation in Beijing, but also spread its influence throughout the country. More than 50 branch campuses and curriculum cooperation organizations of Qiqu Science Museum have been set up in Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Heilongjiang and other provinces and cities, building a wide coverage of scientific enlightenment education network.

In terms of curriculum, Qiqu Science focuses on the internal logic and system of scientific knowledge, relying on international advanced science teaching concepts and primary school science curriculum standards, and jointly developing with professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beihang University, covering four major scientific fields, including 24 topics and 300 knowledge points. The curriculum design adopts the unique PTR teaching method and 6+6 learning method, and closely combines the curriculum with experiments, aiming to cultivate children's scientific thinking, scientific literacy and innovation ability, and lay a solid foundation for their future science learning.

At the Shanghai CCE Quality Education Expo, Qiqu Science successfully attracted many investors with its unique educational philosophy and innovative curriculum system. The exhibition area is crowded, and investors have stopped to carefully observe the display contents of Qiqu Science, including understanding the curriculum system, teaching methods, training objectives, etc., and actively consulting cooperation matters.

They have expressed high recognition and appreciation for the educational concept of Qiqu Science. They believe that its emphasis on the enlightenment and cultivation of teenagers' scientific literacy, as well as on the cultivation of exploration spirit and innovation ability, is just in line with the current social expectations and needs for education. At the same time, investors also fully affirmed the innovative practice and achievements of Qiqu Science in the field of science education, believing that it has unique advantages and innovations in teaching methods, curriculum design and other aspects.

In fact, the popularity of science education track is not accidental. In recent years, the state has not only issued a series of policy documents such as the Opinions on Strengthening Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era, which clearly emphasizes the key role of science education in cultivating students' comprehensive quality, but also increased investment and support for science education. These measures provide a strong guarantee for the development of science education, and also greatly stimulate the attention and enthusiasm of all sectors of society for science education.

At the same time, parents' expectations for children's education are also rising. They are no longer only satisfied with their children's excellent academic performance, but also hope that their children can have comprehensive qualities such as scientific thinking, innovative spirit and practical ability. With its unique training mode, science education just meets the expectations of parents. More and more parents begin to incorporate science education into their children's education plans, which provides a solid foundation for the expansion of the science education market.

In addition, the value and charm of science education itself is also an important reason for the popularity of its track. Science education can not only stimulate children's curiosity and exploration desire, cultivate their cognitive ability, collaboration ability, communication ability, overall planning ability, exploration ability and creativity, but also lay a solid foundation for their future learning and career development. With the rapid development of science and technology, talents with scientific literacy and innovation ability are more likely to stand out in the fierce social competition.

Qiqu Science has seized this market opportunity and successfully attracted a large number of investors and parents by virtue of its educational philosophy of "lighting curiosity and stimulating exploration" and innovative curriculum system. In the future, with the continuous expansion of the science education market, I believe that the science education track will become more popular. Qiqu Science will use good educational resources to light up the growth path of every young person who loves science, and actively contribute to the vigorous development of science education.

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