Teacher Dou Kun, the founder of the promotion education, recruited more talented students

2014-12-01 14:14:08   Source: Global franchise network   9079 people participated
  • Business scope: student trusteeship
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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On November 30, 2014, Mr. Dou Kun, the chairman of the Trusteeship Education Alliance, the founder of the national promotion education chain, the domestic brand student trusteeship, and the "priority of practical speech in the off campus education community", accepted another disciple. The ceremony was held in Wanbo Hui Campus, Changsha, Hunan Province, Lian Mingfeng, the principal of the school from Longyan City, Fujian Province, became the fifth disciple of Dou Kun. The first four disciples, Wang Guiying, Sun Yue, Yu Zhen, Song Yuqian, and 56 teachers who participated in the ninth special training camp for trusteeship elite teachers witnessed this holy moment.

The advanced brand of student trusteeship, promotion education, headquartered in Beijing, is now spreading across the country. Since this year, it has held more than 100 meetings in various parts of the country, joined more than 400 campuses, and formed a pattern of "three parts of the world" in the off campus education industry. To realize the development vision of "let every primary school have a promotion trusteeship", let more training institutions turn the corner, go on the right path, and let the promotion brand benefit the majority of families and children as soon as possible, we must have a large number of high-quality lecturers team. Although there are dozens of lecturers in the education headquarters, compared with more than 3000 cities in China, it is still a drop in the bucket. In view of this, Mr. Dou Kun decided to recruit apprentices to join schools across the country so as to widely spread the voice of promotion and realize the development vision.

This reception ceremony was presided over by Yu Zhen, the president of Changsha Joined General School of Advanced Education and one of the first students of Dou Kun. Zhang Jianhua, the senior lecturer of the advanced education lecturer group, delivered a congratulatory speech. At this solemn and grand ceremony, President Lian Mingfeng sincerely stated the request for teacher worship to Dou Kun, presented the "Teacher worship sticker", and Dou Kun signed the "Teacher apprentice profile" with him. President Lian Mingfeng said that in the future, he will study hard with his Shifu, get the true story quickly, and contribute to the development of the promotion cause.

Later, in the soothing music, the ceremony ended with the group photo of Dou Kun and five disciples.

Promotion and education joining: http://www.jiameng.com/jinjituoguan/

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