Where does Ashley's bibliography come from?

2023-11-10 09:18:46   Source: Global franchise network   408 people participated
  • Scope of business: picture books
  • Number of stores: 5
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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As the representative of the third generation young children's cultural reading bookstore, Aihili Reading Line has provided diversified reading experiences for young children. An important question is: Where does Ashley's bibliography come from? This article will discuss the bibliographic source of Ashley's reading and acting and its importance in the field of cultural reading.

Original reading is a major feature of Ashley's reading industry. These books are not ordinary versions, but customized after cooperation with Macmillan's education strategy. This means that children can read some unique books here, which are often difficult to find elsewhere.

Original reading brings a sense of freshness and uniqueness, allowing children to access wonderful stories from different cultures and broaden their horizons. This cooperation has also played a positive role in providing high-quality reading services.

On the other hand, Chinese reading is more distinctive in Ashley. At present, there are a large number of books in the market, and parents and children are at a loss. The list of books selected by Ashley Reading and Travel is specially based on the physical and mental development characteristics and reading rules of primary and secondary school students. It recommends few but excellent works from ancient and modern works at home and abroad, guides children to read books and classics, and provides scientific guidance. At the same time, it can also solve the problem of difficult bibliography selection, so that children can improve their reading efficiency and quality in limited time.

The industry of Ashley Reading Line is the cultural reading track, which is closely related to the national policy. The Program for the Development of Chinese Children (2021-2030) has repeatedly emphasized the importance of children's reading guidance, and has incorporated cultural reading into the national cultural development strategy. This means that the cultural reading industry has been strongly supported and promoted by the government departments, providing more cultural reading opportunities for young children.

The prospect of engaging in cultural reading industry is broad. With the introduction of the "new curriculum standard" in 2022, reading products have become a new demand with huge market potential. This has a positive impact on career development. In addition, cultural reading can also help to establish a family environment rich in culture and growth significance, and promote the growth and development of family members. At the same time, cultural reading, such as Ashley Reading, also contributes to the promotion of universal reading and the construction of a scholarly China in the whole society, and assumes social responsibility. More importantly, cultural reading contributes to the rise of the nation, not only the rise of economy, but also the rise of culture and spirit, contributing to the prosperity and progress of the country.

The original reading and Chinese reading of Ashley Readline have brought a rich reading experience to young children. Original reading can cultivate children's language ability and cross-cultural communication ability, so that they can understand the essence of different languages and cultures. Chinese reading helps children better understand and inherit Chinese culture. These two reading methods provide different but complementary wisdom, giving more power to children's growth and the rise of the nation.

By providing original reading and Chinese reading, as well as scientific system, rich resources, and industry development direction in line with national policies, Ashley Reading will continue to play an important role in this field and contribute to the growth of young children and cultural inheritance.

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