Seeking common development and win-win cooperation | Congratulations to Mr. Shijingshan Wu of Beijing for successfully signing the partnership project of Asia Financial City

2024-05-08 17:16:01   Source: Global franchise network   317 people participated
  • Business scope: education consultation
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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March 12, 2024

Asia Financial City Partner Beijing Shijingshan Branch

Successful signing!

The establishment of Shijingshan Branch is becoming more mature,

I wish President Wu of Beijing Shijingshan

Business is booming, financial resources are growing, and performance is growing!

01 Signed with Beijing Shijingshan

The partner project of Asia Financial City has achieved rapid replication, and the landing experience is becoming more mature, and the expansion speed is getting faster and faster. Partners of Asia Financial City are looking forward to your participation!

02  Join us

1. One partner in one city to ensure exclusive access to regional resources;

2. Online and offline marketing activities are carried out nationwide, with strong customer gathering capacity;

3. Independent research and development of CRM system to improve customer experience and order conversion rate;

4. With a strong supply chain system, partners in global first tier cities are selected and strategic cooperation is reached.

03  Our advantages

1. Brand authorization support;

2. Think tank expert support;

3. Sales management system support;

4. Operation support;

5. Support for conference affairs;

6. Open class project approval support.

04  Join us

Welcome elite bosses with entrepreneurial ideas and bosses who want to transform and do additional projects to visit Asia Finance for exchange.

 Oriental Children's Painting Children's Art
  • one thousand four hundred and forty-four people Focus on education
  • seven thousand one hundred and sixteen people Counseling education

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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