Shuguo Planet: It really saves money to open a children's reading hall in winter vacation!

2024-01-08 14:45:12   Source: Global franchise network   418 people participated
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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At the end of the year, everyone has a thinking pattern. No matter what to do next year, push everything away first and make plans after the New Year. However, this method is not applicable to children's reading industry.

Shuguo Planet has opened 500 franchised stores of children's reading halls across the country. After years of operation, we found that opening children's reading halls during winter vacation can really save money!

Let's briefly talk about the winter vacation, that is, what money saving tips are hidden in the time before the New Year.

1. Provincial rent

No matter what kind of physical stores they open, the rent must be the biggest part, and those with their own premises are not included. The winter vacation, that is, the period before the Spring Festival, is the off-season for renting houses. Renting houses in this period can save a lot of rent.

2. Focus on demand

During the winter vacation, it is very attractive for parents to let children read and study in a well-known store. Especially this year, many working parents can't have a holiday until New Year's Eve, so there is a greater demand for children's reading halls.

Some franchise stores of Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Center will take the opportunity to launch a reading day care service. While hosting, they will arrange reading parties for children to cultivate reading habits and improve reading ability, which is far more competitive than other hosting agencies.

3. Spring Promotion

The trusteeship or short-term reading service provided by the children's reading hall during the winter vacation can save energy for the spring games in the coming year.

In the children's reading industry, spring move, summer move and autumn move are the three periods of transforming parents. We should do a good job in winter vacation drainage, attract children and parents to shop experience, do a good job in service, and have a good presentation. It is also naturally much more convenient to do spring move transformation, and can also save a sum of diversion fees for spring moves.

Shuguo Planet has 14 years of experience in joining children's reading centers. According to the international PISA and PIRLS evaluation standards, it has independently developed the four-dimensional and five force reading guidance theory and supporting reading guidance. Our selected books and children's book club projects have also been recognized by the market. With the strength and reputation, more and more partners choose to join Shuguo Planet.

Now the winter vacation is getting closer and closer. If you also want to seize this period of time, open a franchise store of children's reading library featuring borrowing+reading guidance as soon as possible. Welcome to be the partner of Shuguo Planet. The headquarters will provide various supports such as opening, drainage and operation!

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