Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (202 episodes)-

Jing Wei's complete set of PS tutorials is particularly well explained and detailed!!! A basic chapter, 39 episodes in total, B improvement articles, 130 episodes in total, C creative articles, 20 episodes in total, D new features tutorials of Photoshop CC 2017, 13 episodes in total

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There is no more beautiful cosmetics than happiness in the world.

Undeterred - Jing Wei PS Tutorial Complete

 Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (2

Ai locks the layers like this, and all layers of ai are unlocked – [Home of Editing]

In today's AI basic tutorial, we will continue to explain the relevant knowledge of Illustrator "layer". Today, we are going to talk about the locking and unlocking of layers. Like PS, Illustrator can lock and unlock layers. 1. Lock the layer and turn it on

Advantages and disadvantages of each c4d renderer, and comparison of various c4d renderers – [Home of Clipping]

When we design 3D modeling, selecting the renderer is also a very important step. A good renderer will make our design more smooth and effective. Edge Xiao only brings you the comparison and recommendation of our mainstream C4D renderers. Let's study and see with Bian Xiao! 1. OC. First

2021 The countdown to the return of the Shenzhou astronauts, and the return of the Shenzhou 13 astronauts is imminent - [Home of Editing]

The six month "business trip" of Shenzhou 13 astronauts in space will soon be over. What kind of work do you do with the three astronauts? Look together! Pack the luggage, clean the indoor environment, get ready to go home, pack the luggage to take, sort out the various items, and some need to be put in

Poor clothes and bad food - Apricot Forest is warm in spring, I want to return when there are apricot flowers

 Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (2

Honesty is both brave and martial, and when you are strong in the end, you can't defeat it—— Qu Yuan's "National War"