
Owls crow and ghosts howl Photoshop

Photoshop is developed by Adobe software company and is generally called PS. It has many functions and involves various industries. Its plug-in brushes have many styles, such as NBP extension. Topaz and FilterForge can help you with color mixing and graphic design.

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Your best choice - Photo sho

Just solve the flag pavilion and meet the old people—— Wu Wenying's Flower Sweeping Tour - Cold Food in the West Lake

Live 2D all model display pictures, Kanban Niang graphic collection - Lan small station - Hmm, good!

Use the method to directly replace this sentence. 1. https: unpkg.comlive2d-widget-model-chitose@1.0.5assetschitose.model.json6 、ht...

ES6 array is de duplicated according to a certain attribute of the object - Lan station - Hmm, good!

Preface: The array of es6 is de duplicated according to the key value of one of its objects. The encapsulation method is as follows: unique (arr, val) {const res=new Map() ret

Query detailed address according to longitude and latitude API - Lan small station - Hmm, good!

Well, I caught several packets on my mobile phone these two days, and then I saw this API. According to longitude and latitude, I can query the detailed address (personal test, good accuracy) https: apis. map. qq. comwsgeocoderv1? locati...

Docker installs Nginx Proxy Manager - Lan small station - Hmm, good!

1. Background For friends who want to build their own websites and use their own personalized domain names, there are not few people who use Nginx. They may also use Apache to manage their own websites. But Nginx is lightweight and easy to use, and it also supports forward and reverse proxy. Who doesn't like it? Ngin...

Android MPAndroidChart drawing histogram - Lan station - Hmm, good!

First, add the Jar package to the directory of Gradle Scripts. Add the Jar package here. First, add a line of allprojects to the allprojects of Project; {  & nb...

Lion cool

Everything is sour at the beginning, she said, then slowly becomes sweet, and then turns bitter—— John Berger

Professional Photos

 Photoshop plug-in | CG resource network - love creativity - love learning - love sharing (iiiDea. CN)

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