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Reasons for choosing us

Which ECS brand has good service, high cost performance, stability, and is worth recommending? Personally, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are quite good. Founded in 2009, Alibaba Cloud is a recognized leader and industry giant in China's domestic cloud computing "public cloud" market, integrating multiple advantages such as capital, scale, technical strength, brand awareness and ecosystem. Tencent Cloud: Since September 2013, Tencent Cloud has officially opened to the public. Compared with other cloud computing enterprises at home and abroad, it started late. Domestic cloud computing vendors are mainly divided into two categories: "independent research and development" and "OpenStack based" (open source cloud computing management platform project). Tencent cloud base

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

What are the preferential policies for registering new users of Alibaba Cloud? The preferential policies available to new users who register for Alibaba Cloud include receiving server and cloud product renewal, upgrading, and newly purchased coupons and vouchers. Today, the host tutorial network summarizes the latest preferential policies of the whole network as follows.

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

Tencent Cloud Static Website Hosting is a website hosting service launched by Tencent Cloud. Tencent Cloud will distribute websites to CDNs of multiple edge nodes to speed up website access. Users do not need to purchase cloud servers. So, what kind of websites can be placed in Tencent Cloud Static Website Hosting? Only static websites can be hosted.

System advantages:

Which ECS brand has good service, high cost performance, stability, and is worth recommending| Host Tutorial Network

What are the preferential policies for registering new users of Alibaba Cloud| Host Tutorial Network

What kind of website can Tencent Cloud static website hosting place| Host Tutorial Network

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What we have

Which cloud service

Which ECS brand has good service, high cost performance, stability, and is worth recommending? Personally, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are quite good. Alibaba Cloud was founded in

Register Ali

What are the preferential policies for registering new users of Alibaba Cloud? The preferential policies available to new AliCloud users include receiving server and cloud product renewal, upgrading

Tencent Yunjing

Tencent Cloud static website hosting is a website hosting service launched by Tencent Cloud. Tencent Cloud will distribute websites to CDNs of multiple edge nodes to speed up website access

What is a domain

What is the domain name renewal grace period? How many days is the grace period for Tencent Cloud to expire the follow-up fee? Tencent Cloud domain name will have a 30 day domain name renewal grace period after expiration

Tencent Cloud

What are the latest promotional activities of Tencent Cloud? Today, I specially made a summary of the latest preferential activities of Tencent Cloud, including the benefits of new Tencent Cloud people and the latest activities of Tencent Cloud

What is teng

What is the heterogeneous computing instance of Tencent Yunxing Xinghai GPU server NVIDIA A10? Tencent cloud GPU server A10 instance adopts Tencent