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First: install the http server apacheapache.1.jpg (43.95 KB) 2007-9-26 17:36apache.2.jpg (55.15 KB) 2007-9-26 17:36 apache.3.jpg (64.33 KB) September 26, 2007 1..., Jiuyun Blog

Platform advantages

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What is VuePress VuePress consists of two parts: a lightweight static website generator based on Vue, and a default theme optimized for writing technical documents. It is created to meet the needs of Vue's own subproject documents. VuePress provides preloaded html for every page generated by it. It not only has excellent loading speed, but also has a good effect on se, Jiuyun Blog

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After MySQL modifies the my.ini file, such as modifying the character set, it needs to restart the service to take effect. The following describes how to restart the MySQL service: 1. Win R, enter cmd, confirm, enter the command window, enter the command net stop MySQL, and stop the current MySQL service. 2. If an error as shown in the figure occurs, it indicates that your current role does not have, Jiuyun Blog

System advantages:

PHP Installation and Configuration Tutorial on Windows (PHP Tutorial 6.5.11) - Jiuyun Blog

Vue develops a static website (vue makes static pages) - Jiuyun Blog

Restart the MySQL service (Windows restarts the MySQL service) - Jiuyun Blog

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First: install the http server apacheapache.1.jpg (43.95 KB) 2007-9-2

Vue on

What is VuePress VuePress consists of two parts: a lightweight static website generator based on Vue, and

Restart my

After MySQL modifies the my.ini file, such as modifying the character set, it needs to restart the service to take effect. The following describes how to restart the MySQL server


"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools." On the basis of convincing the common tools sorted out by the security team, a batch of utilities have been added, including: debugging anti


preface Everyone should know something about Numpy and NumPy (Numerical Python)


This article illustrates the circle drawing implemented by Python. Share with you for your reference, as follows: # -*- codi