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Can eating fish head invigorate brain? How about eating fish head often?

Can eating fish head invigorate brain?

1. DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid and one of the important components of human body. A large number of studies have shown that DHA plays an important role in the normal development and function of the brain. In addition, it also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Therefore, in theory, adequate DHA intake can maintain brain health.

2. To get enough DHA, eating fish head alone may not be enough. DHA mainly exists in fish oil and fish meat, while fish head is only a part of fish body. Although the fish head does contain some DHA, the content is relatively low. Therefore, eating fish head alone is not enough. We also need to eat other foods rich in DHA, such as fish meat and fish oil.

3. We need to see the influence of cooking methods on DHA. Fish head is often used to make fresh fish with scallion oil. This cooking method usually involves high temperature heating, which may lead to the loss of DHA. DHA is a substance easy to be oxidized and easily destroyed at high temperature. Therefore, cooking methods will have a certain impact on DHA intake. In fact, for those who pursue DHA, raw fish is better than fried fish.

How about eating fish head often?


1. Brain nutrition: Fish head contains rich high-quality protein. Eating fish head in proper amount can nourish brain, enhance human memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

2. Promote bone growth: Fish head is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. Eating fish head in proper amount can supplement human vitamins, relieve fatigue, promote bone growth, and clear the liver and eyes.


1. Poisoning: Because fish are aquatic creatures and live in a complex environment, most of the toxins are concentrated in fish heads. Overeating fish heads may lead to poisoning.

2. Anemia: The content of heavy metals in fish head may exceed the standard, and excessive eating of fish head may lead to abnormal hemoglobin and anemia.

key word: Can Eating Fish Head Improve Brain Antioxidant function nerve cell How about eating fish head often

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