About US $100 million, which can be guaranteed. Development Center China market, market research Organic agriculture, active ingredients, bacillus Hunan cuisine raw materials, the most famous 30 dishes of Hunan cuisine, Dongting wild duck, farewell my concubine The king of antihypertensive food, hypertension patients, what fruits should be avoided for hypertension, and control the blood pressure level Invention patent, football commentary, Peking University The effect of Huaishan is to stop diarrhea or to moisten intestines. Trace elements can replenish the middle and replenish qi Contract price, announced by Russia, calculation formula Consulting company, innovation center, the goal is

Russia has maintained its status as a net grain exporter for three consecutive years, and the agro industrial complex has developed steadily

(Data picture)

Russian Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev said that in 2022, the export volume of Russian agricultural and industrial products is expected to reach 40 billion dollars.

At the symposium on Russian breeding and genetic development attended by President Putin, Patrushev said: "Russia has maintained its status as a net grain exporter for three consecutive years, that is, exports are more than imports. At present, the export volume has exceeded 33 billion dollars, and this year, the export volume of the Federation of Agriculture and Industry may reach about 40 billion dollars."

Patrushev pointed out that, on the whole, the stable development of the agro industrial complex can ensure national food security.

According to the data of the Federal Agricultural Export Development Center under the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, in 2021, the export volume of Russian agricultural products will reach 37.1 billion US dollars, an increase of 21% year on year.

key word: About US $100 million Can guarantee Development Center

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