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Many Vietnamese enterprises have set foot in the field of seaweed processing

(People's Daily) Vietnam has a diversified marine ecosystem and is suitable for the development of seaweed farming, but so far it has not fully exploited the potential of high-value production chain.

Experts in the industry believe that in order to make the seaweed breeding industry effective and sustainable, it is necessary to have a high-quality breeding research and development base. In addition, promote the application of high-tech in production to improve the output and quality of algae; The quality of cultured seaweeds shall be certified to ensure biological safety and ecological environment safety.

In addition, relevant departments and the banking system need to introduce preferential loan policies and support policies to encourage small-scale seaweed farmers to integrate into the sustainable production chain.

Duan, who has 27 years of experience in algae breeding (living in Shanhai Village, Fuying Township, Shunnan County, Ningshun Province), said that algae species and sales are two decisive factors for the sustainable development of the algae breeding industry. Duan's family has an area of about 5000 square meters for the cultivation of Cappa longissima, which has brought more than 100 million dong of income to the family.

Pteridophyta longicaulis was introduced to Qinghe Province in 2004 and successfully cultivated in this province, with a potential cultivation area of about 400 hectares. At present, the cultivation area of Pteridophyta longibrachiatum is about 100 hectares, the annual output is 10-20 tons per hectare, and the price per kilogram of fresh Pteridophyta longibrachiatum is 8-10 dollars.

According to the statistics of Vietnam Fisheries Bureau, the potential cultivation area of Karpa longicarpa in Vietnam is about 900000 hectares, which is equivalent to an annual output of 600000 to 700000 tons of dry Karpa longicarpa. Of more than 800 kinds of seaweeds in the world, 90 have economic value. In Vietnam alone, there are 20 kinds of seaweeds containing agar (used for food processing); Among them, there are 7 kinds of common seaweeds with high economic value, including Pteridophyta longicaulis, Cappa longicarpa, and Gracilaria.

In Vietnam, 40% of fresh seaweed products are processed into white seaweed for consumption and sold all over the country. At present, more and more enterprises are setting foot in the field of seaweed processing to process seaweed into higher value products. (End)

key word: Cultivation area sustainable development economic value

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