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Three Ways to Choose and Buy Quick Frozen Meatballs Scientifically

Meatballs, also known as meatballs, which means "reunion", are one of the traditional delicacies, and are often used in hot pot, stir fry, soup, etc. In addition to making and eating meat balls now, they can also be processed into quick frozen meat balls through quick freezing technology, and become regular customers on people's tables. In order to help consumers scientifically understand and safely purchase frozen meatballs, the Chinese Food Science and Technology Society has made the following consumption tips.

There are many kinds of quick frozen meatballs

Quick frozen meatball is a kind of quick frozen meat paste prepared food. It is made of livestock and poultry meat and its products, aquatic products and their products as the main raw materials, minced with seasoning and other auxiliary materials (including food additives), and then through mixing, emulsification (or non emulsification), molding, heating or non heating, cooling or non cooling, quick freezing and other processes.

Quick frozen meatballs belong to prepackaged food. There are many kinds of products, such as beef balls, pork balls, chicken balls, fish balls, etc. Generally, the relevant provisions on meat products in the standard SB/T10379 Quick Frozen Prepared Food shall be implemented. The use of food additives shall comply with the Food Safety country Standard for Use of Food Additives (GB2760-2014).

Three Ways to Choose Scientifically

Choose formal channels to purchase

Quick frozen meatballs have high requirements for cold chain transportation control, so it is recommended to purchase them in regular supermarkets and other places. Consumers are especially reminded to choose products stored in low temperature freezers.

▄ Check the label carefully

Consumers should check whether the label information is complete. According to Food Safety country General Principles for the Labeling of Standard Prepackaged Food (GB7718-2011), check the food name, ingredient list, net content and specification, name, address and contact information of the producer and/or distributor, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code and other labeling information. If the information is incomplete, do not buy.

▄ Check the product packaging

Check whether the package is sealed, there is no obvious bag expansion and air leakage, there is no obvious ice slag in the bag, the product color is natural, and the surface is not dehydrated. Gently press the meatball through the packaging bag to check whether it is frozen hard.

Reasonable storage and consumption

The quick-frozen meatballs bought home must be stored according to the storage conditions marked on the product packaging, generally at - 18 ℃ and below. After opening the bag, the meatballs should be eaten as soon as possible to avoid repeated freezing and thawing and affecting the taste.

When boiling, the product does not need to be unfrozen. After the water boils, it can be directly put into the pot, boiled until the meatballs are fully cooked, and can be eaten after floating on the water. You can also barbecue after thawing, or stir fry with other ingredients. Quick frozen meatballs must be cooked thoroughly to ensure safety.

Although the frozen meatballs are delicious, they should also be eaten with other foods, such as vegetables and grains, to balance nutrition.

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