Sleep disorder, medication, individualization principle, sleep duration World Oral Health Day, oral health, vernal equinox solar term, health care Parkinson's disease, static tremor, limb stiffness, early signal Ambiguity of eyes, cerebral infarction, eye hemianopia, new infarction Chronic kidney disease, impaired renal function, renal failure, uremia, dialysis treatment Immunotherapy drugs, advanced lung cancer, therapeutic effect, patient survival rate Orthodontics, orthodontics, correction effect, oral problems Stomach trouble, minor physical problems, physical anxiety disorder, psychotherapy Sudden deafness, young patient, bad living habits, healthy ear use

Sleep disorder is not a trivial matter Drug treatment of insomnia should follow the principle of individualization

March 21 every year is designated as World Sleep Day. The Chinese Sleep Research Report (2022) released on March 18 mentioned that in the past 10 years, Chinese people fell asleep more than two hours late flat The average time is reduced from 8.5 hours in 2012 to 7.06 hours in 2021, and only 35% of Chinese can sleep for 8 hours. How to have better sleep?

Physical diseases can induce insomnia

Ms. Li is about 50 years old this year, near I went to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College for treatment due to severe insomnia on the other day. I said that I had difficulty falling asleep and had many dreams. It was very easy to wake up in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to fall asleep again after waking up. Most people could only sleep for about 3 hours at night, which greatly affected the quality of life.

After detailed consultation, Xu Yahui, the director of the sleep medicine department of the hospital, learned that she had found stomach disease two months ago. Since then, she has been dreaming and worried about the deterioration of stomach disease. The consequence is that his stomach disease recovers slowly due to insomnia, so he becomes more anxious and falls into evil nature Cycle.

"Physical diseases can also induce insomnia." Xu Yahui said that endocrine diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. will affect patients' sleep, and anxiety, depression, stress related disorders will have a greater impact on patients' sleep quality. Too little sleep will lead to hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, etc., which will lead to depression in the long run.

Xu Yahui said that in addition to the cause of disease, strenuous exercise before sleep, eating too much or hunger will affect sleep. female nature Menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and other special periods are more prone to insomnia. In addition, emergencies in life or work can also lead to short-term insomnia, which may develop slowly if not handled properly nature Insomnia.

Drug treatment of insomnia should follow the principle of individualization

"Sleep is not a trivial matter." Zhengzhou Eighth People's Hospital spirit Yang Yongchao, chief physician of the department, said that good sleep can promote the growth and development of children. For adults, it can eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength, protect the brain, restore energy, enhance human immunity, and restore body functions. For the elderly, it can delay aging.

How can we have good sleep? Xu Yahui told reporters that we should work and rest regularly, go to bed and get up on time, and do not stay up late or stay in bed; Do not do anything irrelevant to sleep in bed, and do not play with mobile phones in bed; Exercise for 1 hour every day, mainly for relaxation; People with sleep problems should not drink tea, coffee and other drinks in the afternoon, and should not drink alcohol to help them sleep; Keeping a relaxed mood and not thinking about complicated and stressful things before going to bed can help improve the quality of sleep.

If these methods still cannot solve the sleep problem, we need to invite experts to help us. Yang Yongchao said that medication for insomnia should be given according to the principle of individualization and the needs of patients. It is generally recommended that patients should not take medicine continuously for more than one month. If they need to take medicine continuously, they should be evaluated once a month.

The common methods of Chinese medicine to treat insomnia are Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, aerobics, etc., but each person's specific situation is different, so we suggest that you should not "blindly learn from classics" to avoid delaying your own illness.

key word: Sleep disorders medication Individualization principle Sleep duration

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