Wasp sting, Huolong medicinal liquor ironing treatment, motor neuron, wind dispersing and collaterals unblocking Hearing loss, noise damage, hidden danger of wearing headphones, hearing care Hearing loss, quality of life, hidden danger of wearing headphones, noise damage Cold in late spring, gout patients, food, daily life, osteoarthropathy Allergic rhinitis, incidence of rhinitis, nasal congestion and itching, sneezing and runny nose Oral ulcer, removing dampness toxin, eggplant root tea, brewing green tea Prevent pancreatitis, eat reasonably, exercise moderately, and overeat Tuberculosis patients, tuberculosis incidence, rational drug use, standardized treatment Exercise lumbar muscles, patients with low back pain, bed rest

Hornet sting nearly led to paralysis in the middle of the night Fire dragon medicinal wine was used to cure wind dredging, meridian warming and pain relief

"At the most serious time, when I took my mobile phone, it fell down and I often felt dizzy. I started to feel dizzy after sitting for half an hour." near In the middle of the night, Aunt Chen in the neighborhood of Guangzhou was stung by a hornet when she was sleeping soundly, which almost led to paralysis.

Because she was stung in the early morning, Aunt Chen didn't go to the hospital the first time. The next day, her arms were full of blisters, so she washed with honeysuckle. After the redness, swelling, heat and pain were relieved, she didn't care about it. A few days later, Aunt Chen's arm began to become numb and weak, and her right arm could not even be lifted, so she went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Aunt Chen went to several hospitals before and after, but she has not been completely cured. From hand weakness to foot weakness, she even had difficulty walking. Later, she came to the Acupuncture Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangzhou Medical University for treatment.

Chen Chuyun, the deputy director of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department, made a detailed examination for Aunt Chen, and found that she had severe fatigue and numbness, and the motor neurons at the ends of her limbs were paralyzed. Since Aunt Chen had a clear history of wasp sting, it was considered that it might be the peripheral neuropathy caused by the neurotoxin released after wasp bite.

Chen Chuyun introduced that this symptom of limb weakness belongs to the flaccidity syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine. Considering the patient's condition, he finally formulated a treatment plan of warming and unblocking the meridians by ironing the fire dragon medicinal wine on both lower limbs and bathing the feet with the method of removing obstruction.

"I feel very comfortable after ironing the Huolong medicinal wine, and I don't have to drag my feet on the ground." After four times of ironing the Huolong medicinal wine, Aunt Chen can walk normally. Chen Chuyun said: Medicinal liquor combined with fire ironing can better warm and unblock the meridians. Only when the collaterals are unblocked, the meridians are full, and the qi and blood are unblocked, can the patient gradually recover from limb paralysis. Huolong medicinal wine ironing is a unique therapy created by the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangzhou Medical University. The medicinal wine is made by soaking more than 30 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials that can warm and dissipate cold, unblock collaterals and relieve pain. By burning hot ironing on the diseased parts, combined with massage, the medicinal wine can penetrate into the skin through the role of heat, so as to achieve the functions of dispersing wind, unblocking collaterals, removing cold and dampness, warming meridians and relieving pain. It is applicable to wind, cold Numbness and pain of neck, shoulder, waist and limbs caused by dampness.

Finally, Chen Chuyun reminded us that wasp poison nature Extremely strong, once a person is stung, the wound will appear severe pain, redness, swelling, itching and gradually spread around, which can cause acute nature Renal failure, allergy nature Shock or even death, so close observation shall be carried out for at least 48 hours after being stung by wasps. If there is any abnormal reaction, immediately go to the hospital for medical treatment. After being stung by wasps, the emergency treatment should be done as follows: pull out the sting in time, wash it thoroughly with clean water, or use weak alkali nature Solution such as vinegar cleaning, and ice compress to reduce local reactions, can also use dexamethasone ointment and other hormone drugs to reduce inflammatory reactions. If the itching is obvious, and antihistamines such as cetirizine are delicious, and the pain is obvious, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can be used to relieve the pain. If you feel unwell, you should seek medical advice in time.

key word: Wasp sting Fire Dragon Medicinal Wine Ironing Treatment motor neuron Dredge wind and dredge collaterals

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